
Nvim :help pages, generated from source using the tree-sitter-vimdoc parser.


1. Introduction hare-intro 2. Filetype plugin hare-plugin 3. Settings hare-settings


This plugin provides syntax highlighting, indentation, and other functionality for the Hare programming language. Support is also provided for README files inside Hare modules, but this must be enabled by setting g:filetype_haredoc.


This plugin automatically sets the value of 'path' to include the contents of the HAREPATH environment variable, allowing commands such as gf to directly open standard library or third-party modules. If HAREPATH is not set, it defaults to the recommended paths for most Unix-like filesystems, namely /usr/src/hare/stdlib and /usr/src/hare/third-party.

SETTINGS hare-settings

This plugin provides a small number of variables that you can define in your vimrc to configure its behavior.
g:filetype_haredoc This plugin is able to automatically detect Hare modules and set the "haredoc" filetype for any README files. As the recursive directory search used as a heuristic has a minor performance impact, this feature is disabled by default and must be specifically opted into:
let g:filetype_haredoc = 1
See g:haredoc_search_depth for ways to tweak the searching behavior.
g:hare_recommended_style The following options are set by default, in accordance with the official Hare style guide:
setlocal noexpandtab
setlocal shiftwidth=0
setlocal softtabstop=0
setlocal tabstop=8
setlocal textwidth=80
To disable this behavior:
let g:hare_recommended_style = 0
g:hare_space_error By default, trailing whitespace and tabs preceded by space characters are highlighted as errors. This is automatically turned off when in insert mode. To disable this highlighting completely:
let g:hare_space_error = 0
g:haredoc_search_depth By default, when g:filetype_haredoc is enabled, only the current directory and its immediate subdirectories are searched for Hare files. The maximum search depth may be adjusted with:
let g:haredoc_search_depth = 2
Value Effect~ 0 Only search the current directory. 1 Search the current directory and immediate subdirectories. 2 Search the current directory and two levels of subdirectories.
The maximum search depth can be set to any integer, but using values higher than 2 is not recommended, and will likely provide no tangible benefit in most situations.
Commands index
Quick reference