
Nvim :help pages, generated from source using the tree-sitter-vimdoc parser.

EditorConfig integration

Nvim supports EditorConfig. When a file is opened, after running ftplugins and FileType autocommands, Nvim searches all parent directories of that file for ".editorconfig" files, parses them, and applies any properties that match the opened file. Think of it like 'modeline' for an entire (recursive) directory. For more information see https://editorconfig.org/.
EditorConfig is enabled by default. To disable it, add to your config:
vim.g.editorconfig = false
(Vimscript: let g:editorconfig = v:false). It can also be disabled per-buffer by setting the b:editorconfig buffer-local variable to false.
Nvim stores the applied properties in b:editorconfig if it is not false.
New properties can be added by adding a new entry to the "properties" table. The table key is a property name and the value is a callback function which accepts the number of the buffer to be modified, the value of the property in the .editorconfig file, and (optionally) a table containing all of the other properties and their values (useful for properties which depend on other properties). The value is always a string and must be coerced if necessary. Example:
require('editorconfig').properties.foo = function(bufnr, val, opts)
  if opts.charset and opts.charset ~= "utf-8" then
    error("foo can only be set when charset is utf-8", 0)
  vim.b[bufnr].foo = val
The following properties are supported by default:
charset editorconfig.charset
One of "utf-8", "utf-8-bom", "latin1", "utf-16be", or "utf-16le". Sets the 'fileencoding' and 'bomb' options.
end_of_line editorconfig.end_of_line
One of "lf", "crlf", or "cr". These correspond to setting 'fileformat' to "unix", "dos", or "mac", respectively.
indent_size editorconfig.indent_size
A number indicating the size of a single indent. Alternatively, use the value "tab" to use the value of the tab_width property. Sets the 'shiftwidth' and 'softtabstop' options. If this value is not "tab" and the tab_width property is not set, 'tabstop' is also set to this value.
indent_style editorconfig.indent_style
One of "tab" or "space". Sets the 'expandtab' option.
insert_final_newline editorconfig.insert_final_newline
"true" or "false" to ensure the file always has a trailing newline as its last byte. Sets the 'fixendofline' and 'endofline' options.
max_line_length editorconfig.max_line_length
A number indicating the maximum length of a single line. Sets the 'textwidth' option.
root editorconfig.root
If "true", then stop searching for .editorconfig files in parent directories. This property must be at the top-level of the .editorconfig file (i.e. it must not be within a glob section).
spelling_language editorconfig.spelling_language
A code of the format ss or ss-TT, where ss is an ISO 639 language code and TT is an ISO 3166 territory identifier. Sets the 'spelllang' option.
tab_width editorconfig.tab_width
The display size of a single tab character. Sets the 'tabstop' option.
trim_trailing_whitespace editorconfig.trim_trailing_whitespace
When "true", trailing whitespace is automatically removed when the buffer is written.
Commands index
Quick reference