Nvim :help
pages, generated
from source
using the tree-sitter-vimdoc parser.
, <BS>
, or <Left>
l N l right (also: <Space>
or <Right>
0 0 to first character in the line (also: <Home>
^ ^ to first non-blank character in the line
$ N $ to the next EOL (end of line) position
(also: <End>
g0 g0 to first character in screen line (differs from "0"
when lines wrap)
g^ g^ to first non-blank character in screen line (differs
from "^" when lines wrap)
g$ N g$ to last character in screen line (differs from "$"
when lines wrap)
gm gm to middle of the screen line
gM gM to middle of the line
bar N | to column N (default: 1)
f N f{char} to the Nth occurrence of {char}
to the right
F N F{char} to the Nth occurrence of {char}
to the left
t N t{char} till before the Nth occurrence of {char}
to the right
T N T{char} till before the Nth occurrence of {char}
to the left
; N ; repeat the last "f", "F", "t", or "T" N times
, N , repeat the last "f", "F", "t", or "T" N times in
opposite directionCTRL-P
and <Up>
j N j down N lines (also: CTRL-J
, <NL>
, and <Down>
- N - up N lines, on the first non-blank character
+ N + down N lines, on the first non-blank character (also:
and <CR>
_ N _ down N-1 lines, on the first non-blank character
G N G goto line N (default: last line), on the first
non-blank character
gg N gg goto line N (default: first line), on the first
non-blank character
N% N % goto line N percentage down in the file; N must be
given, otherwise it is the % command
gk N gk up N screen lines (differs from "k" when line wraps)
gj N gj down N screen lines (differs from "j" when line wraps){pattern}
? N ?{pattern}[?[offset]]<CR>
search backward for the Nth occurrence of {pattern}
/<CR> N /<CR> repeat last search, in the forward direction
?<CR> N ?<CR> repeat last search, in the backward direction
n N n repeat last search
N N N repeat last search, in opposite direction
star N * search forward for the identifier under the cursor
# N # search backward for the identifier under the cursor
gstar N g* like "*", but also find partial matches
g# N g# like "#", but also find partial matches
gd gd goto local declaration of identifier under the cursor
gD gD goto global declaration of identifier under the cursor<EOL>
$ $
matches start of word \< \<
matches end of word \> \>
matches a single char from the range [a-z] \[a-z]
matches a single char not in the range [^a-z] \[^a-z]
matches an identifier char \i \i
idem but excluding digits \I \I
matches a keyword character \k \k
idem but excluding digits \K \K
matches a file name character \f \f
idem but excluding digits \F \F
matches a printable character \p \p
idem but excluding digits \P \P
matches a white space character \s \s
matches a non-white space character \S \S<Esc>
\e \e
matches <Tab>
\t \t
matches <CR>
\r \r
matches <BS>
\b \b{search-command}
`a{a-z} go to mark {a-z} within current file
`A{A-Z} go to mark {A-Z} in any file
`0{0-9} go to the position where Vim was previously exited
`` `` go to the position before the last jump
`quote" go to the position when last editing this file
`[[ go to the start of the previously operated or put text
`]] go to the end of the previously operated or put text
`<< go to the start of the (previous) Visual area
`>> go to the end of the (previous) Visual area
`.. go to the position of the last change in this file
' '{a-zA-Z0-9[]'"<>.}
same as, but on the first non-blank in the line
:marks :marks print the active marks
go to Nth older position in jump list
go to Nth newer position in jump list
:ju :ju[mps] print the jump list{tag}
jump to tag {tag}
:ta :[count]ta[g][!] jump to [count]'th newer tag in tag list
jump to the tag under cursor, unless changes
have been made
:ts :ts[elect][!] [tag] list matching tags and select one to jump to
:tjump :tj[ump][!] [tag] jump to tag [tag] or select from list when
there are multiple matches
:ltag :lt[ag][!] [tag] jump to tag [tag] and add matching tags to the
location listCTRL-T
jump back from Nth older tag in tag list
:po :[count]po[p][!] jump back from [count]'th older tag in tag list
:tnext :[count]tn[ext][!] jump to [count]'th next matching tag
:tp :[count]tp[revious][!] jump to [count]'th previous matching tag
:tr :[count]tr[ewind][!] jump to [count]'th matching tag
:tl :tl[ast][!] jump to last matching tag{tag}
open a preview window to show tag {tag}
} like CTRL-]
but show tag in preview window
:pts :pts[elect] like ":tselect" but show tag in preview window
:ptjump :ptj[ump] like ":tjump" but show tag in preview window
:pclose :pc[lose] close tag preview window
z close tag preview windowCTRL-E
window N lines downwards (default: 1)
window N lines Downwards (default: 1/2 window)
window N pages Forwards (downwards)
window N lines upwards (default: 1)
window N lines Upwards (default: 1/2 window)
window N pages Backwards (upwards)
z<CR> z<CR> or zt redraw, current line at top of window
z. z. or zz redraw, current line at center of window
z- z- or zb redraw, current line at bottom of window<Insert>
I N I insert text before the first non-blank in the line (N times)
gI N gI insert text in column 1 (N times)
o N o open a new line below the current line, append text (N times)
O N O open a new line above the current line, append text (N times)
:startinsert :star[tinsert][!] start Insert mode, append when [!] used
:startreplace :startr[eplace][!] start Replace mode, at EOL when [!] used<Esc>
end Insert mode, back to Normal mode
like <Esc>
, but do not use an abbreviation
execute {command}
and return to Insert mode<End>
cursor after last character in the line
i_<Home> <Home>
cursor to first character in the lineCTRL-V
.. insert character literally, or enter decimal
byte value
i_<NL> <NL>
or <CR>
begin new line
insert the character from below the cursor
insert the character from above the cursorCTRL-A
insert previously inserted text
insert previously inserted text and stop
Insert mode
insert the contents of a registerCTRL-N
insert next match of identifier before the
insert previous match of identifier before
the cursor
... complete the word before the cursor in
various ways<BS>
delete the character before the cursor
i_<Del> <Del>
delete the character under the cursor
delete word before the cursor
delete all entered characters in the current
insert one shiftwidth of indent in front of
the current line
delete one shiftwidth of indent in front of
the current line
delete all indent in the current line
delete all indent in the current line,
restore indent in next line{char1}
add digraph(s) to the listCTRL-K
enter digraph
i_digraph {char1}
enter digraph if 'digraph' option set{command}
insert the standard output of {command}
below the
delete N characters under and after the cursor
X N X delete N characters before the cursor
d N d{motion} delete the text that is moved over with {motion}
v_d {visual}
d delete the highlighted text
dd N dd delete N lines
D N D delete to the end of the line (and N-1 more lines)
J N J join N-1 lines (delete <EOL>
v_J {visual}
J join the highlighted lines
gJ N gJ like "J", but without inserting spaces
v_gJ {visual}
gJ like "{visual}J", but without inserting spaces
:d :[range]d [x] delete [range] lines [into register x]{char}
for the next delete, yank, or put
:reg :reg show the contents of all registers
:reg :reg {arg}
show the contents of registers mentioned in {arg}
y N y{motion} yank the text moved over with {motion}
into a register
v_y {visual}
y yank the highlighted text into a register
yy N yy yank N lines into a register
Y N Y yank N lines into a register
Note: Mapped to "y$" by default. default-mappings
p N p put a register after the cursor position (N times)
P N P put a register before the cursor position (N times)
]p N ]p like p, but adjust indent to current line
[p N [p like P, but adjust indent to current line
gp N gp like p, but leave cursor after the new text
gP N gP like P, but leave cursor after the new text{char}
gr N gr{char} replace N characters without affecting layout
R N R enter Replace mode (repeat the entered text N times)
gR N gR enter virtual Replace mode: Like Replace mode but
without affecting layout
v_b_r {visual}
in Visual block mode: Replace each char of the
selected text with {char}
v_c {visual}
c change the highlighted text
cc N cc change N lines
S N S change N lines
C N C change to the end of the line (and N-1 more lines)
s N s change N characters
v_b_c {visual}
c in Visual block mode: Change each of the selected
lines with the entered text
v_b_C {visual}
C in Visual block mode: Change each of the selected
lines until end-of-line with the entered text{visual}
~ switch case for highlighted text
v_u {visual}
u make highlighted text lowercase
v_U {visual}
U make highlighted text uppercase
g~ g~{motion} switch case for the text that is moved over with
gu gu{motion} make the text that is moved over with {motion}
gU gU{motion} make the text that is moved over with {motion}
v_g? {visual}
g? perform rot13 encoding on highlighted text
g? g?{motion} perform rot13 encoding on the text that is moved over
with {motion}
add N to the number at or after the cursor
subtract N from the number at or after the cursor{motion}
shiftwidth left
<< N << move N lines one shiftwidth left
> N >{motion}
move the lines that are moved over with {motion}
shiftwidth right
>> N >> move N lines one shiftwidth right
gq N gq{motion} format the lines that are moved over with {motion}
'textwidth' length
:ce :[range]ce[nter] [width]
center the lines in [range]
:le :[range]le[ft] [indent]
left-align the lines in [range] (with [indent])
:ri :[range]ri[ght] [width]
right-align the lines in [range]{command}
!! N !!{command}<CR>
filter N lines through {command}
v_! {visual}
filter the highlighted lines through {command}
:range! :[range]! {command}
filter [range] lines through {command}
= N ={motion}
filter the lines that are moved over through 'equalprg'
== N == filter N lines through 'equalprg'
v_= {visual}
filter the highlighted lines through 'equalprg'
:s :[range]s[ubstitute]/{pattern}/{string}/[g][c]
substitute {pattern}
by {string}
in [range] lines;
with [g], replace all occurrences of {pattern}
with [c], confirm each replacement
:s :[range]s[ubstitute] [g][c]
repeat previous ":s" with new range and options
& & Repeat previous ":s" on current line without options
:ret :[range]ret[ab][!] [tabstop]
set 'tabstop' to new value and adjust white space
start highlighting blockwise } highlighted text
v_o o exchange cursor position with start of highlighting
gv gv start highlighting on previous visual area
v_v v highlight characters or stop highlighting
v_V V highlight linewise or stop highlighting
highlight blockwise or stop highlighting[{
to ]}
v_iB N iB Select "inner Block" (from [{
to ]}
v_a> N a> Select "a <> block"
v_i> N i> Select "inner <> block"
v_at N at Select "a tag block" (from <aaa>
to </aaa>)
v_it N it Select "inner tag block" (from <aaa>
to </aaa>)
v_a' N a' Select "a single quoted string"
v_i' N i' Select "inner single quoted string"
v_aquote N a" Select "a double quoted string"
v_iquote N i" Select "inner double quoted string"
v_a` N a` Select "a backward quoted string"
v_i` N i` Select "inner backward quoted string"{a-z}
q q{A-Z} record typed characters, appended to register {a-z}
q q stop recording
Q Q replay last recorded macro
@ N @{a-z} execute the contents of register {a-z}
(N times)
@@ N @@ repeat previous @{a-z} (N times)
:@ :@{a-z} execute the contents of register {a-z}
as an Ex
:@@ :@@ repeat previous :@{a-z}
:g :[range]g[lobal]/{pattern}/[cmd]
execute Ex command [cmd] (default: ":p") on the lines
within [range] where {pattern}
:g :[range]g[lobal]!/{pattern}/[cmd]
execute Ex command [cmd] (default: ":p") on the lines
within [range] where {pattern}
does NOT match
:so :so[urce] {file}
read Ex commands from {file}
:so :so[urce]! {file}
read Vim commands from {file}
:sl :sl[eep] [sec]
don't do anything for [sec] seconds
gs N gs goto Sleep for N seconds{lhs}
map {lhs}
to {rhs}
in Normal and Visual mode
:map! :ma[p]! {lhs}
map {lhs}
to {rhs}
in Insert and Command-line
:noremap :no[remap][!] {lhs}
same as ":map", no remapping for this {rhs}
:unmap :unm[ap] {lhs}
remove the mapping of {lhs}
for Normal and
Visual mode
:unmap! :unm[ap]! {lhs}
remove the mapping of {lhs}
for Insert and
Command-line mode
:map_l :ma[p] [lhs] list mappings (starting with [lhs]) for
Normal and Visual mode
:map_l! :ma[p]! [lhs] list mappings (starting with [lhs]) for
Insert and Command-line mode
:cmap :cmap/:cunmap/:cnoremap
like ":map!"/":unmap!"/":noremap!" but for
Command-line mode only
:imap :imap/:iunmap/:inoremap
like ":map!"/":unmap!"/":noremap!" but for
Insert mode only
:nmap :nmap/:nunmap/:nnoremap
like ":map"/":unmap"/":noremap" but for
Normal mode only
:vmap :vmap/:vunmap/:vnoremap
like ":map"/":unmap"/":noremap" but for
Visual mode only
:omap :omap/:ounmap/:onoremap
like ":map"/":unmap"/":noremap" but only for
when an operator is pending
:mapc :mapc[lear] remove mappings for Normal and Visual mode
:mapc :mapc[lear]! remove mappings for Insert and Cmdline mode
:imapc :imapc[lear] remove mappings for Insert mode
:vmapc :vmapc[lear] remove mappings for Visual mode
:omapc :omapc[lear] remove mappings for Operator-pending mode
:nmapc :nmapc[lear] remove mappings for Normal mode
:cmapc :cmapc[lear] remove mappings for Cmdline mode
:mkexrc :mk[exrc][!] [file] write current mappings, abbreviations, and
settings to [file] (default: ".exrc";
use ! to overwrite)
:mkvimrc :mkv[imrc][!] [file]
same as :mkexrc, but with default ".nvimrc"
:mksession :mks[ession][!] [file]
like ":mkvimrc", but store current files,
windows, etc. too, to be able to continue
this session later{lhs}
add abbreviation for {lhs}
to {rhs}
:abbreviate :ab[breviate] {lhs}
show abbr's that start with {lhs}
:abbreviate :ab[breviate] show all abbreviations
:unabbreviate :una[bbreviate] {lhs}
remove abbreviation for {lhs}
:noreabbrev :norea[bbrev] [lhs] [rhs] like ":ab", but don't remap [rhs]
:iabbrev :iab/:iunab/:inoreab like ":ab", but only for Insert mode
:cabbrev :cab/:cunab/:cnoreab like ":ab", but only for
Command-line mode
:abclear :abc[lear] remove all abbreviations
:cabclear :cabc[lear] remove all abbr's for Cmdline mode
:iabclear :iabc[lear] remove all abbr's for Insert mode{option}
set boolean option (switch it on),
show string or number option
:set :se[t] no{option} reset boolean option (switch it off)
:set :se[t] inv{option} invert boolean option
:set :se[t] {option}
={value} set string/number option to {value}
:set :se[t] {option}
+={value} append {value}
to string option, add
to number option
:set :se[t] {option}
-={value} remove {value}
to string option,
subtract {value}
from number option
:set :se[t] {option}
show value of {option}
:set :se[t] {option}
& reset {option}
to its default valueCTRL-_
in Insert mode
'ambiwidth' 'ambw' what to do with Unicode chars of ambiguous width
'arabic' 'arab' for Arabic as a default second language
'arabicshape' 'arshape' do shaping for Arabic characters
'autochdir' 'acd' change directory to the file in the current window
'autoindent' 'ai' take indent for new line from previous line
'autoread' 'ar' autom. read file when changed outside of Vim
'autowrite' 'aw' automatically write file if changed
'autowriteall' 'awa' as 'autowrite', but works with more commands
'background' 'bg' "dark" or "light", used for highlight colors
'backspace' 'bs' how backspace works at start of line
'backup' 'bk' keep backup file after overwriting a file
'backupcopy' 'bkc' make backup as a copy, don't rename the file
'backupdir' 'bdir' list of directories for the backup file
'backupext' 'bex' extension used for the backup file
'backupskip' 'bsk' no backup for files that match these patterns
'belloff' 'bo' do not ring the bell for these reasons
'binary' 'bin' read/write/edit file in binary mode
'bomb' prepend a Byte Order Mark to the file
'breakat' 'brk' characters that may cause a line break
'breakindent' 'bri' wrapped line repeats indent
'breakindentopt' 'briopt' settings for 'breakindent'
'browsedir' 'bsdir' which directory to start browsing in
'bufhidden' 'bh' what to do when buffer is no longer in window
'buflisted' 'bl' whether the buffer shows up in the buffer list
'buftype' 'bt' special type of buffer
'casemap' 'cmp' specifies how case of letters is changed
'cdhome' 'cdh' change directory to the home directory by ":cd"
'cdpath' 'cd' list of directories searched with ":cd"
'cedit' key used to open the command-line window
'charconvert' 'ccv' expression for character encoding conversion
'cindent' 'cin' do C program indenting
'cinkeys' 'cink' keys that trigger indent when 'cindent' is set
'cinoptions' 'cino' how to do indenting when 'cindent' is set
'cinscopedecls' 'cinsd' words that are recognized by 'cino-g'
'cinwords' 'cinw' words where 'si' and 'cin' add an indent
'clipboard' 'cb' use the clipboard as the unnamed register
'cmdheight' 'ch' number of lines to use for the command-line
'cmdwinheight' 'cwh' height of the command-line window
'colorcolumn' 'cc' columns to highlight
'columns' 'co' number of columns in the display
'comments' 'com' patterns that can start a comment line
'commentstring' 'cms' template for comments; used for fold marker
'complete' 'cpt' specify how Insert mode completion works
'completefunc' 'cfu' function to be used for Insert mode completion
'completeopt' 'cot' options for Insert mode completion
'completeslash' 'csl' like 'shellslash' for completion
'concealcursor' 'cocu' whether concealable text is hidden in cursor line
'conceallevel' 'cole' whether concealable text is shown or hidden
'confirm' 'cf' ask what to do about unsaved/read-only files
'copyindent' 'ci' make 'autoindent' use existing indent structure
'cpoptions' 'cpo' flags for Vi-compatible behavior
'cursorbind' 'crb' move cursor in window as it moves in other windows
'cursorcolumn' 'cuc' highlight the screen column of the cursor
'cursorline' 'cul' highlight the screen line of the cursor
'cursorlineopt' 'culopt' settings for 'cursorline'
'debug' set to "msg" to see all error messages
'define' 'def' pattern to be used to find a macro definition
'delcombine' 'deco' delete combining characters on their own
'dictionary' 'dict' list of file names used for keyword completion
'diff' use diff mode for the current window
'diffexpr' 'dex' expression used to obtain a diff file
'diffopt' 'dip' options for using diff mode
'digraph' 'dg' enable the entering of digraphs in Insert mode
'directory' 'dir' list of directory names for the swap file
'display' 'dy' list of flags for how to display text
'eadirection' 'ead' in which direction 'equalalways' works
'encoding' 'enc' encoding used internally
'endoffile' 'eof' write CTRL-Z
at end of the file
'endofline' 'eol' write <EOL>
for last line in file
'equalalways' 'ea' windows are automatically made the same size
'equalprg' 'ep' external program to use for "=" command
'errorbells' 'eb' ring the bell for error messages
'errorfile' 'ef' name of the errorfile for the QuickFix mode
'errorformat' 'efm' description of the lines in the error file
'eventignore' 'ei' autocommand events that are ignored
'eventignorewin' 'eiw' autocommand events that are ignored in a window
'expandtab' 'et' use spaces when <Tab>
is inserted
'exrc' 'ex' read init files in the current directory
'fileencoding' 'fenc' file encoding for multibyte text
'fileencodings' 'fencs' automatically detected character encodings
'fileformat' 'ff' file format used for file I/O
'fileformats' 'ffs' automatically detected values for 'fileformat'
'fileignorecase' 'fic' ignore case when using file names
'filetype' 'ft' type of file, used for autocommands
'fillchars' 'fcs' characters to use for displaying special items
'findfunc' 'ffu' function to be called for the :find command
'fixendofline' 'fixeol' make sure last line in file has <EOL>
'foldclose' 'fcl' close a fold when the cursor leaves it
'foldcolumn' 'fdc' width of the column used to indicate folds
'foldenable' 'fen' set to display all folds open
'foldexpr' 'fde' expression used when 'foldmethod' is "expr"
'foldignore' 'fdi' ignore lines when 'foldmethod' is "indent"
'foldlevel' 'fdl' close folds with a level higher than this
'foldlevelstart' 'fdls' 'foldlevel' when starting to edit a file
'foldmarker' 'fmr' markers used when 'foldmethod' is "marker"
'foldmethod' 'fdm' folding type
'foldminlines' 'fml' minimum number of lines for a fold to be closed
'foldnestmax' 'fdn' maximum fold depth
'foldopen' 'fdo' for which commands a fold will be opened
'foldtext' 'fdt' expression used to display for a closed fold
'formatexpr' 'fex' expression used with "gq" command
'formatlistpat' 'flp' pattern used to recognize a list header
'formatoptions' 'fo' how automatic formatting is to be done
'formatprg' 'fp' name of external program used with "gq" command
'fsync' 'fs' whether to invoke fsync() after file write
'gdefault' 'gd' the ":substitute" flag 'g' is default on
'grepformat' 'gfm' format of 'grepprg' output
'grepprg' 'gp' program to use for ":grep"
'guicursor' 'gcr' GUI: settings for cursor shape and blinking
'guifont' 'gfn' GUI: Name(s) of font(s) to be used
'guifontwide' 'gfw' list of font names for double-wide characters
'guioptions' 'go' GUI: Which components and options are used
'guitablabel' 'gtl' GUI: custom label for a tab page
'guitabtooltip' 'gtt' GUI: custom tooltip for a tab page
'helpfile' 'hf' full path name of the main help file
'helpheight' 'hh' minimum height of a new help window
'helplang' 'hlg' preferred help languages
'hidden' 'hid' don't unload buffer when it is abandoned
'history' 'hi' number of command-lines that are remembered
'hlsearch' 'hls' highlight matches with last search pattern
'icon' let Vim set the text of the window icon
'iconstring' string to use for the Vim icon text
'ignorecase' 'ic' ignore case in search patterns
'imcmdline' 'imc' use IM when starting to edit a command line
'imdisable' 'imd' do not use the IM in any mode
'iminsert' 'imi' use :lmap or IM in Insert mode
'imsearch' 'ims' use :lmap or IM when typing a search pattern
'include' 'inc' pattern to be used to find an include file
'includeexpr' 'inex' expression used to process an include line
'incsearch' 'is' highlight match while typing search pattern
'indentexpr' 'inde' expression used to obtain the indent of a line
'indentkeys' 'indk' keys that trigger indenting with 'indentexpr'
'infercase' 'inf' adjust case of match for keyword completion
'isfname' 'isf' characters included in file names and pathnames
'isident' 'isi' characters included in identifiers
'iskeyword' 'isk' characters included in keywords
'isprint' 'isp' printable characters
'joinspaces' 'js' two spaces after a period with a join command
'jumpoptions' 'jop' specifies how jumping is done
'keymap' 'kmp' name of a keyboard mapping
'keymodel' 'km' enable starting/stopping selection with keys
'keywordprg' 'kp' program to use for the "K" command
'langmap' 'lmap' alphabetic characters for other language mode
'langmenu' 'lm' language to be used for the menus
'langremap' 'lrm' do apply 'langmap' to mapped characters
'laststatus' 'ls' tells when last window has status lines
'lazyredraw' 'lz' don't redraw while executing macros
'linebreak' 'lbr' wrap long lines at a blank
'lines' number of lines in the display
'linespace' 'lsp' number of pixel lines to use between characters
'lisp' automatic indenting for Lisp
'lispoptions' 'lop' changes how Lisp indenting is done
'lispwords' 'lw' words that change how lisp indenting works
'list' show <Tab>
and <EOL>
'listchars' 'lcs' characters for displaying in list mode
'loadplugins' 'lpl' load plugin scripts when starting up
'magic' changes special characters in search patterns
'makeef' 'mef' name of the errorfile for ":make"
'makeencoding' 'menc' encoding of external make/grep commands
'makeprg' 'mp' program to use for the ":make" command
'matchpairs' 'mps' pairs of characters that "%" can match
'matchtime' 'mat' tenths of a second to show matching paren
'maxcombine' 'mco' maximum nr of combining characters displayed
'maxfuncdepth' 'mfd' maximum recursive depth for user functions
'maxmapdepth' 'mmd' maximum recursive depth for mapping
'maxmempattern' 'mmp' maximum memory (in Kbyte) used for pattern search
'menuitems' 'mis' maximum number of items in a menu
'mkspellmem' 'msm' memory used before :mkspell compresses the tree
'modeline' 'ml' recognize modelines at start or end of file
'modelineexpr' 'mle' allow setting expression options from a modeline
'modelines' 'mls' number of lines checked for modelines
'modifiable' 'ma' changes to the text are not possible
'modified' 'mod' buffer has been modified
'more' pause listings when the whole screen is filled
'mouse' enable the use of mouse clicks
'mousefocus' 'mousef' keyboard focus follows the mouse
'mousehide' 'mh' hide mouse pointer while typing
'mousemodel' 'mousem' changes meaning of mouse buttons
'mousemoveevent' 'mousemev' report mouse moves with <MouseMove>
'mousescroll' amount to scroll by when scrolling with a mouse
'mouseshape' 'mouses' shape of the mouse pointer in different modes
'mousetime' 'mouset' max time between mouse double-click
'nrformats' 'nf' number formats recognized for CTRL-A
'number' 'nu' print the line number in front of each line
'numberwidth' 'nuw' number of columns used for the line number
'omnifunc' 'ofu' function for filetype-specific completion
'opendevice' 'odev' allow reading/writing devices on MS-Windows
'operatorfunc' 'opfunc' function to be called for g@ operator
'packpath' 'pp' list of directories used for packages
'paragraphs' 'para' nroff macros that separate paragraphs
'patchexpr' 'pex' expression used to patch a file
'patchmode' 'pm' keep the oldest version of a file
'path' 'pa' list of directories searched with "gf" et.al.
'preserveindent' 'pi' preserve the indent structure when reindenting
'previewheight' 'pvh' height of the preview window
'previewwindow' 'pvw' identifies the preview window
'pumheight' 'ph' maximum number of items to show in the popup menu
'pumwidth' 'pw' minimum width of the popup menu
'pyxversion' 'pyx' Python version used for pyx* commands
'quoteescape' 'qe' escape characters used in a string
'readonly' 'ro' disallow writing the buffer
'redrawtime' 'rdt' timeout for 'hlsearch' and :match highlighting
'regexpengine' 're' default regexp engine to use
'relativenumber' 'rnu' show relative line number in front of each line
'report' threshold for reporting nr. of lines changed
'revins' 'ri' inserting characters will work backwards
'rightleft' 'rl' window is right-to-left oriented
'rightleftcmd' 'rlc' commands for which editing works right-to-left
'ruler' 'ru' show cursor line and column in the status line
'rulerformat' 'ruf' custom format for the ruler
'runtimepath' 'rtp' list of directories used for runtime files
'scroll' 'scr' lines to scroll with CTRL-U
and CTRL-D
'scrollbind' 'scb' scroll in window as other windows scroll
'scrolljump' 'sj' minimum number of lines to scroll
'scrolloff' 'so' minimum nr. of lines above and below cursor
'scrollopt' 'sbo' how 'scrollbind' should behave
'sections' 'sect' nroff macros that separate sections
'secure' secure mode for reading .vimrc in current dir
'selection' 'sel' what type of selection to use
'selectmode' 'slm' when to use Select mode instead of Visual mode
'sessionoptions' 'ssop' options for :mksession
'shada' 'sd' use shada file upon startup and exiting
'shell' 'sh' name of shell to use for external commands
'shellcmdflag' 'shcf' flag to shell to execute one command
'shellpipe' 'sp' string to put output of ":make" in error file
'shellquote' 'shq' quote character(s) for around shell command
'shellredir' 'srr' string to put output of filter in a temp file
'shellslash' 'ssl' use forward slash for shell file names
'shelltemp' 'stmp' whether to use a temp file for shell commands
'shellxescape' 'sxe' characters to escape when 'shellxquote' is (
'shellxquote' 'sxq' like 'shellquote', but include redirection
'shiftround' 'sr' round indent to multiple of shiftwidth
'shiftwidth' 'sw' number of spaces to use for (auto)indent step
'shortmess' 'shm' list of flags, reduce length of messages
'showbreak' 'sbr' string to use at the start of wrapped lines
'showcmd' 'sc' show (partial) command somewhere
'showcmdloc' 'sloc' where to show (partial) command
'showfulltag' 'sft' show full tag pattern when completing tag
'showmatch' 'sm' briefly jump to matching bracket if insert one
'showmode' 'smd' message on status line to show current mode
'showtabline' 'stal' tells when the tab pages line is displayed
'sidescroll' 'ss' minimum number of columns to scroll horizontal
'sidescrolloff' 'siso' min. nr. of columns to left and right of cursor
'signcolumn' 'scl' when and how to display the sign column
'smartcase' 'scs' no ignore case when pattern has uppercase
'smartindent' 'si' smart autoindenting for C programs
'smarttab' 'sta' use 'shiftwidth' when inserting <Tab>
'smoothscroll' 'sms' scroll by screen lines when 'wrap' is set
'softtabstop' 'sts' number of spaces that <Tab>
uses while editing
'spell' enable spell checking
'spellcapcheck' 'spc' pattern to locate end of a sentence
'spellfile' 'spf' files where zg and zw store words
'spelllang' 'spl' language(s) to do spell checking for
'spelloptions' 'spo' options for spell checking
'spellsuggest' 'sps' method(s) used to suggest spelling corrections
'splitbelow' 'sb' new window from split is below the current one
'splitkeep' 'spk' determines scroll behavior for split windows
'splitright' 'spr' new window is put right of the current one
'startofline' 'sol' commands move cursor to first non-blank in line
'statuscolumn' 'stc' custom format for the status column
'statusline' 'stl' custom format for the status line
'suffixes' 'su' suffixes that are ignored with multiple match
'suffixesadd' 'sua' suffixes added when searching for a file
'swapfile' 'swf' whether to use a swapfile for a buffer
'switchbuf' 'swb' sets behavior when switching to another buffer
'synmaxcol' 'smc' maximum column to find syntax items
'syntax' 'syn' syntax to be loaded for current buffer
'tabclose' 'tcl' which tab page to focus when closing a tab
'tabline' 'tal' custom format for the console tab pages line
'tabpagemax' 'tpm' maximum number of tab pages for -p and "tab all"
'tabstop' 'ts' number of spaces that <Tab>
in file uses
'tagbsearch' 'tbs' use binary searching in tags files
'tagcase' 'tc' how to handle case when searching in tags files
'tagfunc' 'tfu' function to get list of tag matches
'taglength' 'tl' number of significant characters for a tag
'tagrelative' 'tr' file names in tag file are relative
'tags' 'tag' list of file names used by the tag command
'tagstack' 'tgst' push tags onto the tag stack
'term' name of the terminal
'termbidi' 'tbidi' terminal takes care of bi-directionality
'termguicolors' 'tgc' enable 24-bit RGB color in the TUI
'textwidth' 'tw' maximum width of text that is being inserted
'thesaurus' 'tsr' list of thesaurus files for keyword completion
'thesaurusfunc' 'tsrfu' function to be used for thesaurus completion
'tildeop' 'top' tilde command "~" behaves like an operator
'timeout' 'to' time out on mappings and key codes
'timeoutlen' 'tm' time out time in milliseconds
'title' let Vim set the title of the window
'titlelen' percentage of 'columns' used for window title
'titleold' old title, restored when exiting
'titlestring' string to use for the Vim window title
'ttimeout' time out on mappings
'ttimeoutlen' 'ttm' time out time for key codes in milliseconds
'ttytype' 'tty' alias for 'term'
'undodir' 'udir' where to store undo files
'undofile' 'udf' save undo information in a file
'undolevels' 'ul' maximum number of changes that can be undone
'undoreload' 'ur' max nr of lines to save for undo on a buffer reload
'updatecount' 'uc' after this many characters flush swap file
'updatetime' 'ut' after this many milliseconds flush swap file
'varsofttabstop' 'vsts' a list of number of spaces when typing <Tab>
'vartabstop' 'vts' a list of number of spaces for <Tab>
'verbose' 'vbs' give informative messages
'verbosefile' 'vfile' file to write messages in
'viewdir' 'vdir' directory where to store files with :mkview
'viewoptions' 'vop' specifies what to save for :mkview
'virtualedit' 've' when to use virtual editing
'visualbell' 'vb' use visual bell instead of beeping
'warn' warn for shell command when buffer was changed
'whichwrap' 'ww' allow specified keys to cross line boundaries
'wildchar' 'wc' command-line character for wildcard expansion
'wildcharm' 'wcm' like 'wildchar' but also works when mapped
'wildignore' 'wig' files matching these patterns are not completed
'wildignorecase' 'wic' ignore case when completing file names
'wildmenu' 'wmnu' use menu for command line completion
'wildmode' 'wim' mode for 'wildchar' command-line expansion
'wildoptions' 'wop' specifies how command line completion is done
'winaltkeys' 'wak' when the windows system handles ALT keys
'window' 'wi' nr of lines to scroll for CTRL-F
and CTRL-B
'winfixbuf' 'wfb' keep window focused on a single buffer
'winfixheight' 'wfh' keep window height when opening/closing windows
'winfixwidth' 'wfw' keep window width when opening/closing windows
'winheight' 'wh' minimum number of lines for the current window
'winhighlight' 'winhl' window-local highlighting
'winminheight' 'wmh' minimum number of lines for any window
'winminwidth' 'wmw' minimal number of columns for any window
'winwidth' 'wiw' minimal number of columns for current window
'wrap' long lines wrap and continue on the next line
'wrapmargin' 'wm' chars from the right where wrapping starts
'wrapscan' 'ws' searches wrap around the end of the file
'write' writing to a file is allowed
'writeany' 'wa' write to file with no need for "!" override
'writebackup' 'wb' make a backup before overwriting a file
'writedelay' 'wd' delay this many msec for each char (for debug){command}
with a shell
K K lookup keyword under the cursor with
'keywordprg' program (default: "man")CTRL-L
clear and redraw the screen
show current file name (with path) and cursor
ga ga show ascii value of character under cursor in
decimal, hex, and octal
g8 g8 for utf-8 encoding: show byte sequence for
character under cursor in hex
show cursor column, line, and character
during searches: Interrupt the search
<Del> <Del>
while entering a count: delete last character
:version :ve[rsion] show version information
:normal :norm[al][!] {commands}
execute Normal mode commands
gQ gQ switch to "Ex" mode{file}
redirect messages to {file}
:silent :silent[!] {command}
execute {command}
:confirm :confirm {command}
quit, write, etc., asking about
unsaved changes or read-only files
:browse :browse {command}
open/read/write file, using a
file selection dialogCTRL-V
insert {char}
enter decimal value of character (up to
three digits)
enter digraph (See Q_di)
insert the contents of a register<Left>
/<Right> cursor left/right
c_<S-Left> <S-Left>
/<S-Right> cursor one word left/right
/CTRL-E cursor to beginning/end of command-line<BS>
delete the character in front of the cursor
c_<Del> <Del>
delete the character under the cursor
delete the word in front of the cursor
remove all characters<Up>
/<Down> recall older/newer command-line that starts
with current command
c_<S-Up> <S-Up>
/<S-Down> recall older/newer command-line from history
next match when 'incsearch' is active
previous match when 'incsearch' is active
:history :his[tory] show older command-lines<Tab>
do completion on the pattern in front of the
cursor; if there are multiple matches,
beep and show the first one; further
'wildchar' will show the next ones
list all names that match the pattern in
front of the cursor
insert all names that match pattern in front
of cursor
insert longest common part of names that
match pattern
after 'wildchar' with multiple matches: go
to next match
after 'wildchar' with multiple matches: go
to previous match{number}
an absolute line number
:range . the current line
:range $ the last line in the file
:range % equal to 1,$ (the entire file)
:range * equal to '<,'> (visual area)
:range 't position of mark t
:range /{pattern}[/] the next line where {pattern}
:range ?{pattern}[?] the previous line where {pattern}
buffer number, for use in an autocommand (only where a
file name is expected)
:<afile> <afile>
file name, for use in an autocommand (only where a
file name is expected)
:<amatch> <amatch>
what matched with the pattern, for use in an
autocommand (only where a file name is expected)
:<cword> <cword>
word under the cursor (only where a file name is
:<cWORD> <cWORD>
WORD under the cursor (only where a file name is
expected) (see WORD)
:<cfile> <cfile>
file name under the cursor (only where a file name is
:<sfile> <sfile>
file name of a ":source"d file, within that file (only
where a file name is expected){pat}
with {repl}
.. start editing one or more files
-- vim [options] - read file from stdin
-tag vim [options] -t {tag}
edit the file associated with {tag}
-qf vim [options] -q [fname] start editing in QuickFix mode,
display the first error{command}
after loading the file
-+/ +/{pat} {file}
.. put the cursor at the first occurrence of {pat}
-e -e Ex mode, start vim in Ex mode
-R -R Read-only mode, implies -n
-m -m modifications not allowed (resets 'write' option)
-d -d diff-mode
-b -b binary mode
-l -l lisp mode
-A -A Arabic mode ('arabic' is set)
-H -H Hebrew mode (Hebrew keymap & 'rightleft' are set)
-V -V Verbose, give informative messages
-r -r give list of swap files
-r -r {file}
.. recover aborted edit session
-n -n do not create a swap file
-o -o [num] open [num] windows (default: one for each file)
-s -s {scriptin}
first read commands from the file {scriptin}
-w -w {scriptout}
write typed chars to file {scriptout}
-W -W {scriptout}
write typed chars to file {scriptout}
-u -u {vimrc}
read inits from {vimrc}
instead of other inits
-i -i {shada}
read info from {shada}
instead of other files
--- -- end of options, other arguments are file names
--help --help show list of arguments and exit
--version --version show version info and exit
-- - read file from stdin{file}
edit {file}
:edit :e[dit][!] reload the current file
:enew :ene[w][!] edit a new, unnamed buffer
:find :fin[d][!] {file}
find {file}
in 'path' and edit itCTRL-^
edit alternate file N (equivalent to ":e #N")
gf gf or ]f edit the file whose name is under the cursor
:pwd :pwd print the current directory name
:cd :cd [path] change the current directory to [path]
:cd- :cd - back to previous current directory
:file :f[ile] print the current file name and the cursor
:file :f[ile] {name}
set the current file name to {name}
:files :files show alternate file names{file}
write to {file}
and edit next file, unless
exists; With !, overwrite existing
:wN :wN[ext][!] [file] write file and edit previous file{arglist}
:sn[ext] {arglist}
define new arg list
and edit first file
:Next :N[ext] :sN[ext] edit previous file
:first :fir[st] :sfir[st] edit first file
:last :la[st] :sla[st] edit last file{file}
write to {file}
, unless it already
:w_f :[range]w[rite]! {file}
write to {file}
. Overwrite an existing
:w_a :[range]w[rite][!] >> append to the current file
:w_a :[range]w[rite][!] >> {file}
append to {file}
:w_c :[range]w[rite] !{cmd} execute {cmd}
with [range] lines as
standard input
:up :[range]up[date][!] write to current file if modified
:wall :wa[ll][!] write all changed buffers{file}
write to {file}
and exit
:xit :x[it][!] [file] like ":wq" but write only when changes have
been made
ZZ ZZ same as ":x"
ZQ ZQ same as ":q!"
:xall :xa[ll][!] or :wqall[!]
write all changed buffers and exitCTRL-Z
same as ":stop"{set-arg}
given as an argument to ":set"{event}
list all autocommands for {event}
:autocmd :au {event}
list all autocommands for {event}
with {pat}
:autocmd :au {event}
enter new autocommands for {event}
with {pat}
:autocmd :au! remove all autocommands
:autocmd :au! {event}
remove all autocommands for {event}
:autocmd :au! * {pat}
remove all autocommands for {pat}
:autocmd :au! {event}
remove all autocommands for {event}
with {pat}
:autocmd :au! {event}
remove all autocommands for {event}
with {pat}
and enter new oneCTRL-W
s or :split split window into two parts
:split_f :split {file}
split window and edit {file}
in one of
:vsplit :vsplit {file}
same, but split vertically
:vertical :vertical {cmd}
make {cmd}
split vertically{file}
split window, find {file}
in 'path'
and edit it
:terminal :terminal {cmd}
open a terminal window
] split window and jump to tag under
f split window and edit file name under
the cursor
^ split window and edit alternate file
n or :new create new empty window
q or :q[uit] quit editing and close window
c or :clo[se] make buffer hidden and close window
o or :on[ly] make current window only one on the
j move cursor to window below
k move cursor to window above
move cursor to window below (wrap)
W move cursor to window above (wrap)
t move cursor to top window
b move cursor to bottom window
p move cursor to previous active windowCTRL-W
r rotate windows downwards
R rotate windows upwards
x exchange current window with next oneCTRL-W
= make all windows equal height & width
- decrease current window height
+ increase current window height
_ set current window height (default:
very high)CTRL-W
< decrease current window width
> increase current window width
| set current window width (default:
widest possible){fname}
add file name {fname}
to the list
:bunload :bunload[!] [N] unload buffer [N] from memory
:bdelete :bdelete[!] [N] unload buffer [N] and delete it from
the buffer list{group-name}
add a syntax keyword item
:syn-match :syntax match {group-name}
add syntax match item
:syn-region :syntax region {group-name}
add syntax region item
:syn-sync :syntax sync [ccomment | lines {N}
| ...]
tell syntax how to sync
:syntax :syntax [list] list current syntax items
:syn-clear :syntax clear clear all syntax info{group-name}
={arg} ..
set highlighting for {group-name}
list menus starting with {mpath}
:menu :menu {mpath}
add menu {mpath}
, giving {rhs}
:menu :menu {pri}
idem, with priorities {pri}
:menu :menu ToolBar.{name} {rhs}
add toolbar item, giving {rhs}
:tmenu :tmenu {mpath}
add tooltip to menu {mpath}
:unmenu :unmenu {mpath}
remove menu {mpath}
zd zd delete one fold under the cursor
zD zD delete all folds under the cursor