Nvim :help
pages, generated
from source
using the tree-sitter-vimdoc parser.
is started with --headless
and a startup
script or --cmd
command opens the stdio channel using stdioopen().
jobstart(…, {'pty': v:true})
, on_stderr
, on_stdin
, or
option keys. Callbacks should be fast: avoid potentially
slow/expensive work.
Channel handle. channel-id
Raw data (readfile()-style list of strings) read from
the channel. EOF is a single-item list: ['']
. First and
last items may be partial lines! channel-lines
Stream name (string) like "stdout", so the same function
can handle multiple streams. Event names depend on how the
channel was opened and in what mode/protocol.
indicates EOF (stream closed). Alternatively
set the stdout_buffered
, stderr_buffered
, stdin_buffered
, or
option keys to invoke the callback only after all output
was gathered and the stream was closed.
key of the options dict. It is an error if the key exists.
list may be partial lines.
Empty string completes the previous partial line. Examples (not including
the final ['']
emitted at EOF):
may arrive as ['fo'], ['obar']
may arrive as
['foo',''], ['bar']
['foo'], ['','bar']
['fo'], ['o','bar']
let s:lines = ['']
func! s:on_event(job_id, data, event) dict
let eof = (a:data == [''])
" Complete the previous line.
let s:lines[-1] .= a:data[0]
" Append (last item may be a partial line, until EOF).
call extend(s:lines, a:data[1:])
function! s:OnEvent(id, data, event) dict
let str = join(a:data, "\n")
echomsg str
let id = jobstart(['cat'], {'on_stdout': function('s:OnEvent') } )
call chansend(id, "hello!")
function! s:OnEvent(id, data, event) dict
call nvim_buf_set_lines(2, 0, -1, v:true, a:data)
let id = jobstart(['grep', '^[0-9]'], { 'on_stdout': function('s:OnEvent'),
\ 'stdout_buffered':v:true } )
call chansend(id, "stuff\n10 PRINT \"NVIM\"\nxx")
" no output is received, buffer is empty
call chansend(id, "xx\n20 GOTO 10\nzz\n")
call chanclose(id, 'stdin')
" now buffer has result
jobstart(..., {'pty': v:true})
do not
preprocess ANSI escape sequences, these will be sent raw to the callback.
However, change of PTY size can be signaled to the slave using jobresize().
See also terminal-emulator.
:echo system('nvim --headless +"te stty -a" +"sleep 1" +"1,/^$/print" +q')
option set to true, the channel can be
used for remote method calls in both directions, see msgpack-rpc. Note that
rpc channels are implicitly trusted and the process at the other end can
invoke any API function!
func! OnEvent(id, data, event)
if a:data == [""]
call chansend(a:id, map(a:data, {i,v -> toupper(v)}))
call stdioopen({'on_stdin': 'OnEvent'})
and run:nvim --headless --cmd "source uppercase.vim"
if you want to enter Insert mode, so that the user
can start typing a line.
key can be used to start a window command, such as CTRL-W
w to
switch to the next window. This also works in Insert mode (use Shift-CTRL-W
to delete a word). When leaving the window Insert mode will be stopped. When
coming back to the prompt window Insert mode will be restored.
" Function handling a line of text that has been typed.
func TextEntered(text)
" Send the text to a shell with Enter appended.
call chansend(g:shell_job, [a:text, ''])
" Function handling output from the shell: Add it above the prompt.
func GotOutput(channel, msg, name)
call append(line("$") - 1, a:msg)
" Function handling the shell exits: close the window.
func JobExit(job, status, event)
" Start a shell in the background.
let shell_job = jobstart(["/bin/sh"], #{
\ on_stdout: function('GotOutput'),
\ on_stderr: function('GotOutput'),
\ on_exit: function('JobExit'),
\ })
set buftype=prompt
let buf = bufnr('')
call prompt_setcallback(buf, function("TextEntered"))
call prompt_setprompt(buf, "shell command: ")
" start accepting shell commands