Nvim :help
pages, generated
from source
using the tree-sitter-vimdoc parser.
RPC is the main way to control Nvim programmatically. Nvim implements the
MessagePack-RPC protocol with these extra (out-of-spec) constraints:
key in the options dictionary. RPC channels can also
be opened by other processes connecting to TCP/IP sockets or named pipes
listened to by Nvim.
nvim --listen endpoints can be started with serverstart().
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Requires msgpack-rpc: gem install msgpack-rpc
# To run this script, execute it from a running Nvim instance (notice the
# trailing '&' which is required since Nvim won't process events while
# running a blocking command):
# :!./hello.rb &
# Or from another shell by setting NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS:
# $ NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS=[address] ./hello.rb
require 'msgpack/rpc'
require 'msgpack/rpc/transport/unix'
nvim = MessagePack::RPC::Client.new(MessagePack::RPC::UNIXTransport.new, ENV['NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS'])
result = nvim.call(:nvim_command, 'echo "hello world!"')
>>> from pynvim import attach >>> nvim = attach('socket', path='[address]') >>> nvim.command('echo "hello world!"')
let nvim = jobstart(['nvim', '--embed'], {'rpc': v:true})
echo rpcrequest(nvim, 'nvim_eval', '"Hello " . "world!"')
call jobstop(nvim)
The Nvim C API defines custom types for all function parameters. Some are just
typedefs around C99 standard types, others are Nvim-defined data structures.
API Type C type ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Nil Boolean bool Integer (signed 64-bit integer) int64_t Float (IEEE 754 double precision) double String {char* data, size_t size} struct Array Dictionary (msgpack: map) Object
key are stable: they will not change and are
thus forward-compatible.
EXT Type C type Data ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Buffer enum value kObjectTypeBuffer |bufnr()| Window enum value kObjectTypeWindow |window-ID| Tabpage enum value kObjectTypeTabpage internal handle
Most of the API uses 0-based indices, and ranges are end-exclusive. For the
end of a range, -1 denotes the last line/column.
Most API functions are "deferred": they are queued on the main loop and
processed sequentially with normal input. So if the editor is waiting for
user input in a "modal" fashion (e.g. the hit-enter-prompt), the request
will block. Non-deferred (fast) functions such as nvim_get_mode() and
nvim_input() are served immediately (i.e. without waiting in the input
queue). Lua code can use vim.in_fast_event() to detect a fast context.
(version.api_prerelease && fn.since == version.api_level)
.since API level where function {fn}
was introduced
.deprecated_since API level where function {fn}
was deprecated
a type name, e.g. nvim_buf_get_lines
is the get_lines
method of
a Buffer instance. dev-api
, e.g. nvim_list_bufs
External programs (clients) can use the metadata to discover the API, using
any of these approaches:
nvim --api-info | python -c 'import msgpack, sys, yaml; yaml.dump(msgpack.unpackb(sys.stdin.buffer.read()), sys.stdout)'
:lua vim.print(vim.fn.api_info())
:new|put =map(filter(api_info().functions, '!has_key(v:val,''deprecated_since'')'), 'v:val.name')
, etc. api-metadata)
is a numeric id as defined by api_info().error_types
, and {message}
a string with the error message.
, {changedtick}
, {firstline}
, {lastline}
, {linedata}
, {more}
and {lastline}
zero-indexed) were changed to the new text in the {linedata}
list. The
granularity is a line, i.e. if a single character is changed in the
editor, the entire line is sent.
is v:null this means the screen lines (display)
changed but not the buffer contents. {linedata}
contains the changed
screen lines. This happens when 'inccommand' shows a buffer preview.
API buffer handle (buffer number)
value of b:changedtick for the buffer. If you send an
API command back to nvim you can check the value of b:changedtick as
part of your request to ensure that no other changes have been made.
integer line number of the first line that was replaced.
Zero-indexed: if line 1 was replaced then {firstline}
will be 0, not
1. {firstline}
is always less than or equal to the number of lines
that were in the buffer before the lines were replaced.
integer line number of the first line that was not replaced
(i.e. the range {firstline}
, {lastline}
is end-exclusive).
Zero-indexed: if line numbers 2 to 5 were replaced, this will be 5
instead of 6. {lastline}
is always be less than or equal to the number
of lines that were in the buffer before the lines were replaced.
will be -1 if the event is part of the initial update after
list of strings containing the contents of the new buffer
lines. Newline characters are omitted; empty lines are sent as empty
boolean, true for a "multipart" change notification: the
current change was chunked into multiple nvim_buf_lines_event
notifications (e.g. because it was too big).
API buffer handle (buffer number)
new value of b:changedtick for the buffer
] nvim_buf_detach_event
API buffer handle (buffer number)
nvim_buf_lines_event[{buf}, {changedtick}, 0, -1, [""], v:false]User adds two lines to the buffer, emits:
nvim_buf_lines_event[{buf}, {changedtick}, 0, 0, ["line1", "line2"], v:false]User moves to a line containing the text "Hello world" and inserts "!", emits:
nvim_buf_lines_event[{buf}, {changedtick}, {linenr}, {linenr} + 1, ["Hello world!"], v:false]User moves to line 3 and deletes 20 lines using "20dd", emits:
nvim_buf_lines_event[{buf}, {changedtick}, 2, 22, [], v:false]User selects lines 3-5 using linewise-visual mode and then types "p" to paste a block of 6 lines, emits:
nvim_buf_lines_event[{buf}, {changedtick}, 2, 5, ['pasted line 1', 'pasted line 2', 'pasted line 3', 'pasted line 4', 'pasted line 5', 'pasted line 6'], v:false ]User reloads the buffer with ":edit", emits:
In-process Lua plugins can receive buffer updates in the form of Lua
callbacks. These callbacks are called frequently in various contexts;
textlock prevents changing buffer contents and window layout (use
vim.schedule() to defer such operations to the main loop instead).
Moving the cursor is allowed, but it is restored afterwards.
, {changedtick}
, {firstline}
, {lastline}
, {old_byte_size}
[, {old_utf32_size}
, {old_utf16_size}
Unlike remote channel events the text contents are not passed. The new text can
be accessed inside the callback asvim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(buf, firstline, new_lastline, true)
is the total size of the replaced region {firstline}
in bytes, including the final newline after {lastline}
. if
is set to true in nvim_buf_attach() keyword args, then the
UTF-32 and UTF-16 sizes of the deleted region is also passed as additional
arguments {old_utf32_size}
and {old_utf16_size}
, {changedtick}
In-process Lua callbacks can detach by returning true
. This will detach all
callbacks attached with the same nvim_buf_attach() call.
vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(buf, ns_id, hl_group, line, col_start, col_end)
-- create the highlight through an extmark
extid = vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(buf, ns_id, line, col_start, {end_col = col_end, hl_group = hl_group})
-- example: modify the extmark's highlight group
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(buf, ns_id, line, col_start, {end_col = col_end, hl_group = NEW_HL_GROUP, id = extid})
-- example: change the highlight's position
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(buf, ns_id, NEW_LINE, col_start, {end_col = col_end, hl_group = NEW_HL_GROUP, id = extid})
src = vim.new_highlight_source()
buf = vim.current.buffer
for i in range(5):
# some time later ...
call nvim_buf_set_lines(0, 0, 0, v:true, ["test text"])
let src = nvim_buf_add_highlight(0, 0, "String", 1, 0, 4)
call nvim_buf_add_highlight(0, src, "Identifier", 0, 5, -1)
" some time later ...
call nvim_buf_clear_namespace(0, src, 0, -1)
option in
its config is non-empty:if vim.api.nvim_win_get_config(window_id).relative ~= '' then
-- window with this window_id is floating
in nvim_open_win()
to disable various visual features such as the 'number' column.
let buf = nvim_create_buf(v:false, v:true)
call nvim_buf_set_lines(buf, 0, -1, v:true, ["test", "text"])
let opts = {'relative': 'cursor', 'width': 10, 'height': 2, 'col': 0,
\ 'row': 1, 'anchor': 'NW', 'style': 'minimal'}
let win = nvim_open_win(buf, 0, opts)
" optional: change highlight, otherwise Pmenu is used
call nvim_set_option_value('winhl', 'Normal:MyHighlight', {'win': win})
f o o b a r line contents 0 1 2 3 4 5 character positions (0-based) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 extmark positions (0-based)Extmarks have "forward gravity": if you place the cursor directly on an extmark position and enter some text, the extmark migrates forward.
f o o|b a r line (| = cursor) 3 extmark f o o z|b a r line (| = cursor) 4 extmark (after typing "z")If an extmark is on the last index of a line and you input a newline at that point, the extmark will accordingly migrate to the next line:
f o o z b a r| line (| = cursor) 7 extmark f o o z b a r first line extmarks (none present) | second line (| = cursor) 0 extmark (after typing <CR>)Example:
01 2345678 0 ex|ample.. ^ extmark position
let g:mark_ns = nvim_create_namespace('myplugin')
let g:mark_id = nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, g:mark_ns, 0, 2, {})
echo nvim_buf_get_extmark_by_id(0, g:mark_ns, g:mark_id, {})
" => [0, 2]
We can get all marks in a buffer by namespace (or by a range):echo nvim_buf_get_extmarks(0, g:mark_ns, 0, -1, {})
" => [[1, 0, 2]]
Deleting all surrounding text does NOT remove an extmark! To remove extmarks
use nvim_buf_del_extmark(). Deleting "x" in our example:0 12345678 0 e|ample.. ^ extmark position
echo nvim_buf_get_extmark_by_id(0, g:mark_ns, g:mark_id, {})
" => [0, 1]
, {data}
) nvim_chan_send()
Send data to channel id
. For a job, it writes it to the stdin of the
process. For the stdio channel channel-stdio, it writes to Nvim's
stdout. For an internal terminal instance (nvim_open_term()) it writes
directly to terminal output. See channel-bytes for more information.
then the channel expects RPC messages, use
vim.rpcnotify() and vim.rpcrequest() instead.
id of the channel
data to write. 8-bit clean: can contain NUL bytes.
Sets 'buflisted'
Creates a "throwaway" scratch-buffer for temporary work
(always 'nomodified'). Also sets 'nomodeline' on the
Deletes the current line.
Mark name
) nvim_del_var()
Removes a global (g:) variable.
Variable name
A list of [text, hl_group]
arrays, each representing a
text chunk with specified highlight. hl_group
element can
be omitted for no highlight.
if true, add to message-history.
Optional parameters.
) nvim_err_write()
Writes a message to the Vim error buffer. Does not append "\n", the
message is buffered (won't display) until a linefeed is written.
) nvim_err_writeln()
Writes a message to the Vim error buffer. Appends "\n", so the buffer is
flushed (and displayed).
Statusline string (see 'statusline').
Optional parameters.
is ignored. Mutually
exclusive with {use_winbar}
true. Each element of the array is a Dictionary with these keys:
, {args}
) nvim_exec_lua()
Execute Lua code. Parameters (if any) are available as ...
inside the
chunk. The chunk can return a value.
: return my_function(...)
Lua code to execute
Arguments to the code
, {mode}
, {escape_ks}
) nvim_feedkeys()
Sends input-keys to Nvim, subject to various quirks controlled by mode
flags. This is a blocking call, unlike nvim_input().
use nvim_replace_termcodes() (typically
with escape_ks=false) to replace keycodes, then pass the result to
:let key = nvim_replace_termcodes("<C-o>", v:true, v:false, v:true)
:call nvim_feedkeys(key, 'n', v:false)
to be typed
behavior flags, see feedkeys()
If true, escape K_SPECIAL bytes in keys
. This should be
false if you already used nvim_replace_termcodes(), and
true otherwise.
Returns a 2-tuple (Array), where item 0 is the current channel id and item
1 is the api-metadata map (Dictionary).
[{channel-id}, {api-metadata}]
) nvim_get_chan_info()
Gets information about a channel.
channel_id, or 0 for current channel
) nvim_get_color_by_name()
Returns the 24-bit RGB value of a nvim_get_color_map() color name or
"#rrggbb" hexadecimal string.
:echo nvim_get_color_by_name("Pink")
:echo nvim_get_color_by_name("#cbcbcb")
Color name or "#rrggbb" string
Returns a map of color names and RGB values.
) nvim_get_context()
Gets a map of the current editor state.
Optional parameters.
Gets the current buffer.
Gets the current line.
Gets the current tabpage.
Gets the current window.
attribute is defined in the highlight definition map,
other attributes will not be taking effect (see :hi-link).
Get highlight groups for namespace ns_id
nvim_get_namespaces(). Use 0 to get global highlight groups
Options dict:
) nvim_get_hl_id_by_name()
Gets a highlight group by name
) nvim_get_hl_ns()
Gets the active highlight namespace.
Optional parameters
) nvim_get_keymap()
Gets a list of global (non-buffer-local) mapping definitions.
Mode short-name ("n", "i", "v", ...)
, {opts}
) nvim_get_mark()
Returns a (row, col, buffer, buffername)
tuple representing the position
of the uppercase/file named mark. "End of line" column position is
returned as v:maxcol (big number). See mark-motions.
Mark name
Optional parameters. Reserved for future use.
Gets the current mode. mode() "blocking" is true if Nvim is waiting for
pattern of files to search for
whether to return all matches or only the first
) nvim_get_var()
Gets a global (g:) variable.
Variable name
) nvim_get_vvar()
Gets a v: variable.
Variable name
) nvim_input()
Queues raw user-input. Unlike nvim_feedkeys(), this uses a low-level
input buffer and the call is non-blocking (input is processed
asynchronously by the eventloop).
is deprecated since api-level 6.
to be typed
, {action}
, {modifier}
, {grid}
, {row}
, {col}
Send mouse event from GUI.
) of
nvim_input() has the same limitation.
Mouse button: one of "left", "right", "middle", "wheel",
"move", "x1", "x2".
For ordinary buttons, one of "press", "drag", "release".
For the wheel, one of "up", "down", "left", "right".
Ignored for "move".
String of modifiers each represented by a single char. The
same specifiers are used as for a key press, except that
the "-" separator is optional, so "C-A-", "c-a" and "CA"
can all be used to specify Ctrl+Alt+click.
Grid number if the client uses ui-multigrid, else 0.
Mouse row-position (zero-based, like redraw events)
Mouse column-position (zero-based, like redraw events)
Gets the current list of buffer handles
. Use
nvim_buf_is_loaded() to check if a buffer is loaded.
Get information about all open channels.
Gets the paths contained in runtime-search-path.
Gets the current list of tabpage handles.
Gets a list of dictionaries representing attached UIs.
Gets the current list of window handles.
) nvim_load_context()
Sets the current editor state from the given context map.
Context map.
Message to display to the user
The log level
Reserved for future use.
the buffer to use (expected to be empty)
Optional parameters.
["input", term, bufnr, data]
) nvim_out_write()
Writes a message to the Vim output buffer. Does not append "\n", the
message is buffered (won't display) until a linefeed is written.
handler, which handles each mode appropriately.
Sets redo/undo. Faster than nvim_input(). Lines break at LF ("\n").
failure, …) are reflected in err
but do not affect the return value (which is strictly decided by
). On error, subsequent calls are ignored ("drained") until
the next paste is initiated (phase 1 or -1).
Multiline input. May be binary (containing NUL bytes).
Also break lines at CR and CRLF.
-1: paste in a single call (i.e. without streaming). To
"stream" a paste, call nvim_paste
sequentially with these
Edit behavior: any getregtype() result, or:
If true place cursor at end of inserted text.
, {from_part}
, {do_lt}
, {special}
Replaces terminal codes and keycodes (<CR>
, <Esc>
, ...) in a string with
the internal representation.
String to be converted.
Legacy Vim parameter. Usually true.
Also translate <lt>
. Ignored if special
is false.
, {insert}
, {finish}
, {opts}
Selects an item in the completion popup menu.
:map-cmd or a Lua mapping to ensure the mapping
doesn't end completion mode.
Index (zero-based) of the item to select. Value of -1
selects nothing and restores the original text.
For ins-completion, whether the selection should be
inserted in the buffer. Ignored for cmdline-completion.
Finish the completion and dismiss the popup menu. Implies
Optional parameters. Reserved for future use.
, {version}
, {type}
, {methods}
, {attributes}
Self-identifies the client.
Short name for the connected client
Dictionary describing the version, with these (optional)
Must be one of the following values. Client libraries
should default to "remote" unless overridden by the
Builtin methods in the client. For a host, this does not
include plugin methods which will be discovered later.
The key should be the method name, the values are dicts
with these (optional) keys (more keys may be added in
future versions of Nvim, thus unknown keys are ignored.
Clients must only use keys defined in this or later
versions of Nvim):
Arbitrary string:string map of informal client
properties. Suggested keys:
) nvim_set_current_buf()
Sets the current buffer.
Buffer handle
) nvim_set_current_dir()
Changes the global working directory.
Directory path
) nvim_set_current_line()
Sets the current line.
Line contents
) nvim_set_current_tabpage()
Sets the current tabpage.
Tabpage handle
) nvim_set_current_win()
Sets the current window.
Window handle
command which can update a highlight group,
this function completely replaces the definition. For example:
nvim_set_hl(0, 'Visual', {})
will clear the highlight group
or "bg"
which act as aliases to the corresponding foreground and background
values of the Normal group. If the Normal group has not been defined,
using these values results in an error.
is used in combination with other attributes; only the
will take effect (see :hi-link).
Namespace id for this highlight nvim_create_namespace().
Use 0 to set a highlight group globally :highlight.
Highlights from non-global namespaces are not active by
default, use nvim_set_hl_ns() or nvim_win_set_hl_ns() to
activate them.
Highlight group name, e.g. "ErrorMsg"
Highlight definition map, accepts the following keys:
) nvim_set_hl_ns()
Set active namespace for highlights defined with nvim_set_hl(). This can
be set for a single window, see nvim_win_set_hl_ns().
the namespace to use
) nvim_set_hl_ns_fast()
Set active namespace for highlights defined with nvim_set_hl() while
the namespace to activate
, {lhs}
, {rhs}
, {opts}
) nvim_set_keymap()
Sets a global mapping for the given mode.
or {rhs}
. Empty {rhs}
is <Nop>
. keycodes are replaced as usual.
call nvim_set_keymap('n', ' <NL>', '', {'nowait': v:true})
nmap <nowait> <Space><NL> <Nop>
Mode short-name (map command prefix: "n", "i", "v", "x", …)
or "!" for :map!, or empty string for :map. "ia", "ca" or
"!a" for abbreviation in Insert mode, Cmdline mode, or both,
Left-hand-side {lhs} of the mapping.
Right-hand-side {rhs} of the mapping.
Optional parameters map: Accepts all :map-arguments as keys
except <buffer>
, values are booleans (default false). Also:
Variable name
Variable value
Variable name
Variable value
) nvim_strwidth()
Calculates the number of display cells occupied by text
. Control
characters including <Tab>
count as one cell.
Some text
, {opts}
) nvim__complete_set()
EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change in the future.
Completion candidate index
Optional parameters.
pattern of files to search for
whether to return all matches or only the first
is_lua: only search Lua subdirs
) nvim__id()
Returns object given as argument.
Object to return.
) nvim__id_array()
Returns array given as argument.
Array to return.
) nvim__id_dictionary()
Returns dictionary given as argument.
Dictionary to return.
) nvim__id_float()
Returns floating-point value given as argument.
Value to return.
, {row}
, {col}
) nvim__inspect_cell()
NB: if your UI doesn't use hlstate, this will not return hlstate first
For testing. The condition in schar_cache_clear_if_full is hard to reach,
so this function can be used to force a cache clear in a test.
) nvim__redraw()
EXPERIMENTAL: this API may change in the future.
Optional parameters.
, buf
, or all windows for
redraw. When true
, only redraw changed lines (useful for
decoration providers). When false
, forcefully redraw.
, the buffer in win
or the
current buffer (useful for decoration providers). Expects a
tuple [first, last]
with the first and last line number of
the range, 0-based end-exclusive api-indexing.
or the current window.
Gets internal stats.
, {fn}
, {args}
Calls a Vimscript Dictionary-function with the given arguments.
Dictionary, or String evaluating to a Vimscript self dict
Name of the function defined on the Vimscript dict
Function arguments packed in an Array
, {args}
) nvim_call_function()
Calls a Vimscript function with the given arguments.
Function to call
Function arguments packed in an Array
) nvim_command()
Executes an Ex command.
Ex command string
) nvim_eval()
Evaluates a Vimscript expression. Dictionaries and Lists are recursively
Vimscript expression string
, {opts}
) nvim_exec2()
Executes Vimscript (multiline block of Ex commands), like anonymous
Vimscript code
Optional parameters.
is true.
, {flags}
, {highlight}
Parse a Vimscript expression.
Expression to parse. Always treated as a single line.
If true, return value will also include "highlight" key
containing array of 4-tuples (arrays) (Integer, Integer,
Integer, String), where first three numbers define the
highlighted region and represent line, starting column
and ending column (latter exclusive: one should highlight
region [start_col, end_col)).
[line, column]
describing where node is
"started" where "line" is always 0 (will not be 0 if you will be
using this API on e.g. ":let", but that is not present yet).
Both elements are Integers.
, {name}
, {command}
, {opts}
Creates a buffer-local command user-commands.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer.
, {name}
Delete a buffer-local user-defined command.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer.
Name of the command to delete.
, {opts}
) nvim_buf_get_commands()
Gets a map of buffer-local user-commands.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
Optional parameters. Currently not used.
vim.cmd.bdelete{ count = 2 }
, you may do
Command to execute. Must be a Dictionary that can contain the
same values as the return value of nvim_parse_cmd() except
"addr", "nargs" and "nextcmd" which are ignored if provided.
All values except for "cmd" are optional.
Optional parameters.
, {command}
, {opts}
Creates a global user-commands command.
:call nvim_create_user_command('SayHello', 'echo "Hello world!"', {'bang': v:true})
Hello world!
Name of the new user command. Must begin with an uppercase
Replacement command to execute when this user command is
executed. When called from Lua, the command can also be a
Lua function. The function is called with a single table
argument that contains the following keys:
Optional command-attributes.
) nvim_del_user_command()
Delete a user-defined command.
Name of the command to delete.
) nvim_get_commands()
Gets a map of global (non-buffer-local) Ex commands.
Optional parameters. Currently only supports {"builtin":false}
Command line string to parse. Cannot contain "\n".
Optional parameters. Reserved for future use.
). Omitted
if command doesn't accept a range. Otherwise, has no elements if no
range was specified, one element if only a single range item was
specified, or two elements if both range items were specified.
. Omitted if command
cannot take a count.
. Omitted if command
cannot take a register.
(!) modifier.
Gets the option information for all options.
, {opts}
) nvim_get_option_info2()
Gets the option information for one option from arbitrary buffer or window
is not provided, the last set information applies to the
local value in the current buffer or window if it is available, otherwise
the global value information is returned. This behavior can be disabled by
explicitly specifying {scope}
in the {opts}
Option name
Optional parameters
is "local".
, {opts}
) nvim_get_option_value()
Gets the value of an option. The behavior of this function matches that of
:set: the local value of an option is returned if it exists; otherwise,
the global value is returned. Local values always correspond to the
current buffer or window, unless "buf" or "win" is set in {opts}
Option name
Optional parameters
is "local".
, {value}
, {opts}
Sets the value of an option. The behavior of this function matches that of
:set: for global-local options, both the global and local value are set
unless otherwise specified with {scope}
and {buf}
cannot be used together.
Option name
New option value
Optional parameters
, {send_buffer}
, {opts}
) nvim_buf_attach()
Activates buffer-update events on a channel, or as Lua callbacks.
variable (use
"vim.print(events)" to see its contents):events = {}
vim.api.nvim_buf_attach(0, false, {
on_lines = function(...)
table.insert(events, {...})
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
True if the initial notification should contain the
whole buffer: first notification will be
. Else the first notification
will be nvim_buf_changedtick_event
. Not for Lua
Optional parameters.
or nil
) to detach. Args:
is true)
is true)
or nil
) to detach. Args:
, {fun}
) nvim_buf_call()
Call a function with buffer as temporary current buffer.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
Function to call inside the buffer (currently Lua callable
, {mode}
, {lhs}
) nvim_buf_del_keymap()
Unmaps a buffer-local mapping for the given mode.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
, {name}
) nvim_buf_del_mark()
Deletes a named mark in the buffer. See mark-motions.
Buffer to set the mark on
Mark name
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
Variable name
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
Optional parameters. Keys:
) nvim_buf_detach()
Deactivates buffer-update events on the channel.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
) nvim_buf_get_changedtick()
Gets a changed tick of a buffer
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
, {mode}
) nvim_buf_get_keymap()
Gets a list of buffer-local mapping definitions.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
Mode short-name ("n", "i", "v", ...)
, {start}
, {end}
, {strict_indexing}
Gets a line-range from the buffer.
is set.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
First line index
Last line index, exclusive
Whether out-of-bounds should be an error.
, {name}
) nvim_buf_get_mark()
Returns a (row,col)
tuple representing the position of the named mark.
"End of line" column position is returned as v:maxcol (big number). See
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
Mark name
) nvim_buf_get_name()
Gets the full file name for the buffer
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
, {index}
) nvim_buf_get_offset()
Returns the byte offset of a line (0-indexed). api-indexing
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
Line index
, {start_row}
, {start_col}
, {end_row}
, {end_col}
Gets a range from the buffer.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
First line index
Starting column (byte offset) on first line
Last line index, inclusive
Ending column (byte offset) on last line, exclusive
Optional parameters. Currently unused.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
Variable name
) nvim_buf_is_loaded()
Checks if a buffer is valid and loaded. See api-buffer for more info
about unloaded buffers.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
) nvim_buf_is_valid()
Checks if a buffer is valid.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
) nvim_buf_line_count()
Returns the number of lines in the given buffer.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
, {mode}
, {lhs}
, {rhs}
, {opts}
Sets a buffer-local mapping for the given mode.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
, {start}
, {end}
, {strict_indexing}
, {replacement}
Sets (replaces) a line-range in the buffer.
and end
to the same index.
To delete a range of lines, set replacement
to an empty array.
is set.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
First line index
Last line index, exclusive
Whether out-of-bounds should be an error.
Array of lines to use as replacement
, {name}
, {line}
, {col}
, {opts}
Sets a named mark in the given buffer, all marks are allowed
file/uppercase, visual, last change, etc. See mark-motions.
Buffer to set the mark on
Mark name
Line number
Column/row number
Optional parameters. Reserved for future use.
, {name}
) nvim_buf_set_name()
Sets the full file name for a buffer, like :file_f
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
Buffer name
, {start_row}
, {start_col}
, {end_row}
, {end_col}
Sets (replaces) a range in the buffer
(row, column)
location, use
start_row = end_row = row
and start_col = end_col = col
. To delete the
text in a range, use replacement = {}
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
First line index
Starting column (byte offset) on first line
Last line index, inclusive
Ending column (byte offset) on last line, exclusive
Array of lines to use as replacement
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
Variable name
Variable value
, {ns_id}
, {hl_group}
, {line}
, {col_start}
Adds a highlight to buffer.
to add highlights to
the namespace. All highlights in the same namespace can then be cleared
with single call to nvim_buf_clear_namespace(). If the highlight never
will be deleted by an API call, pass ns_id = -1
ns_id = 0
can be used to create a new namespace for the
highlight, the allocated id is then returned. If hl_group
is the empty
string no highlight is added, but a new ns_id
is still returned. This is
supported for backwards compatibility, new code should use
nvim_create_namespace() to create a new empty namespace.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
namespace to use or -1 for ungrouped highlight
Name of the highlight group to use
Line to highlight (zero-indexed)
Start of (byte-indexed) column range to highlight
End of (byte-indexed) column range to highlight, or -1 to
highlight to end of line
, {ns_id}
, {line_start}
, {line_end}
Clears namespaced objects (highlights, extmarks, virtual text) from a
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
Namespace to clear, or -1 to clear all namespaces.
Start of range of lines to clear
End of range of lines to clear (exclusive) or -1 to
clear to end of buffer.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
Namespace id from nvim_create_namespace()
Extmark id
, {ns_id}
, {id}
, {opts}
Gets the position (0-indexed) of an extmark.
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
Namespace id from nvim_create_namespace()
Extmark id
Optional parameters. Keys:
, {ns_id}
, {start}
, {end}
, {opts}
Gets extmarks in "traversal order" from a charwise region defined by
buffer positions (inclusive, 0-indexed api-indexing).
vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks(0, my_ns, 0, -1, {})
vim.api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks(0, my_ns, {0,0}, {-1,-1}, {})
is less than start
, traversal works backwards. (Useful with
, to get the first marks prior to a given position.)
option might be useful. Otherwise only the start position of
an extmark will be considered.
local api = vim.api
local pos = api.nvim_win_get_cursor(0)
local ns = api.nvim_create_namespace('my-plugin')
-- Create new extmark at line 1, column 1.
local m1 = api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, ns, 0, 0, {})
-- Create new extmark at line 3, column 1.
local m2 = api.nvim_buf_set_extmark(0, ns, 2, 0, {})
-- Get extmarks only from line 3.
local ms = api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks(0, ns, {2,0}, {2,0}, {})
-- Get all marks in this buffer + namespace.
local all = api.nvim_buf_get_extmarks(0, ns, 0, -1, {})
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
Namespace id from nvim_create_namespace() or -1 for all
Start of range: a 0-indexed (row, col) or valid extmark id
(whose position defines the bound). api-indexing
End of range (inclusive): a 0-indexed (row, col) or valid
extmark id (whose position defines the bound).
Optional parameters. Keys:
[extmark_id, row, col]
tuples in "traversal order".
, {ns_id}
, {line}
, {col}
, {opts}
Creates or updates an extmark.
and end_row
should be
after the start position in order for the extmark to cover a range. An
earlier end position is not an error, but then it behaves like an empty
range (no highlighting).
Buffer handle, or 0 for current buffer
Namespace id from nvim_create_namespace()
Line where to place the mark, 0-based. api-indexing
Column where to place the mark, 0-based. api-indexing
Optional parameters.
[text, highlight]
tuples, each representing a text chunk
with specified highlight. highlight
element can either
be a single highlight group, or an array of multiple
highlight groups that will be stacked (highest priority
last). A highlight group can be supplied either as a
string or as an integer, the latter which can be obtained
using nvim_get_hl_id_by_name().
in later versions.
[text, highlight]
tuples. In general,
buffer and window options do not affect the display of the
text. In particular 'wrap' and 'linebreak' options do not
take effect, so the number of extra screen lines will
always match the size of the array. However the 'tabstop'
buffer option is still used for hard tabs. By default
lines are placed below the buffer line containing the
) nvim_create_namespace()
Creates a new namespace or gets an existing one. namespace
matches an existing
namespace, the associated id is returned. If name
is an empty string a
new, anonymous namespace is created.
Namespace name or empty string
Gets existing, non-anonymous namespaces.
, {opts}
Set or change decoration provider for a namespace
key to only use the mark for the
current screen redraw (the callback will be called again for the next
callback can return false
to disable the provider until the next redraw.
Similarly, return false
in on_win
will skip the on_line
calls for
that window (but any extmarks set in on_win
will still be used). A
plugin managing multiple sources of decoration should ideally only set one
provider, and merge the sources internally. You can use multiple ns_id
for the extmarks set/modified inside the callback anyway.
should be OK, but vim.rpcrequest
quite dubious for the moment.
Namespace id from nvim_create_namespace()
Table of callbacks:
["start", tick]
["buf", bufnr, tick]
["win", winid, bufnr, toprow, botrow]
["line", winid, bufnr, row]
["end", tick]
) nvim__ns_get()
EXPERIMENTAL: this API will change in the future.
Optional parameters to set:
, {fun}
) nvim_win_call()
Calls a function with window as temporary current window.
Window handle, or 0 for current window
Function to call inside the window (currently Lua callable
, {force}
) nvim_win_close()
Closes the window (like :close with a window-ID).
Window handle, or 0 for current window
Behave like :close!
The last window of a buffer with
unwritten changes can be closed. The buffer will become
hidden, even if 'hidden' is not set.
Window handle, or 0 for current window
Variable name
) nvim_win_get_buf()
Gets the current buffer in a window
Window handle, or 0 for current window
) nvim_win_get_cursor()
Gets the (1,0)-indexed, buffer-relative cursor position for a given window
(different windows showing the same buffer have independent cursor
positions). api-indexing
Window handle, or 0 for current window
) nvim_win_get_height()
Gets the window height
Window handle, or 0 for current window
) nvim_win_get_number()
Gets the window number
Window handle, or 0 for current window
) nvim_win_get_position()
Gets the window position in display cells. First position is zero.
Window handle, or 0 for current window
) nvim_win_get_tabpage()
Gets the window tabpage
Window handle, or 0 for current window
Window handle, or 0 for current window
Variable name
) nvim_win_get_width()
Gets the window width
Window handle, or 0 for current window
) nvim_win_hide()
Closes the window and hide the buffer it contains (like :hide with a
, delete
or wipe
as opposed to :close
or nvim_win_close(), which will close the buffer.
Window handle, or 0 for current window
) nvim_win_is_valid()
Checks if a window is valid
Window handle, or 0 for current window
, {buffer}
) nvim_win_set_buf()
Sets the current buffer in a window, without side effects
Window handle, or 0 for current window
Buffer handle
, {pos}
) nvim_win_set_cursor()
Sets the (1,0)-indexed cursor position in the window. api-indexing This
scrolls the window even if it is not the current one.
Window handle, or 0 for current window
(row, col) tuple representing the new position
Window handle, or 0 for current window
Height as a count of rows
, {ns_id}
) nvim_win_set_hl_ns()
Set highlight namespace for a window. This will use highlights defined
with nvim_set_hl() for this namespace, but fall back to global
highlights (ns=0) when missing.
the namespace to use
Window handle, or 0 for current window
Variable name
Variable value
, {width}
) nvim_win_set_width()
Sets the window width. This will only succeed if the screen is split
Window handle, or 0 for current window
Width as a count of columns
, {opts}
) nvim_win_text_height()
Computes the number of screen lines occupied by a range of text in a given
window. Works for off-screen text and takes folds into account.
Window handle, or 0 for current window.
Optional parameters:
, {enter}
, {config}
) nvim_open_win()
Opens a new split window, or a floating window if relative
is specified,
or an external window (managed by the UI) if external
is specified.
and height
of the new window must be specified when opening
a floating window, but are optional for normal windows.
and external
are omitted, a normal "split" window is
created. The win
property determines which window will be split. If no
is provided or win == 0
, a window will be created adjacent to the
current window. If -1 is provided, a top-level split will be created.
and split
are only valid for normal windows, and are used to
control split direction. For vertical
, the exact direction is determined
by 'splitright' and 'splitbelow'. Split windows cannot have
/`row`/`col`/`border`/`title`/`footer` properties.
vim.api.nvim_open_win(0, false,
{relative='win', row=3, col=3, width=12, height=3})
vim.api.nvim_open_win(0, false,
{relative='win', width=12, height=3, bufpos={100,10}})
vim.api.nvim_open_win(0, false, {
split = 'left',
win = 0
Buffer to display, or 0 for current buffer
Enter the window (make it the current window)
Map defining the window configuration. Keys:
field, or current
[line, column]
. row
and col
if given are applied
relative to this position, else they default to:
and col=0
if anchor
is "NW" or "NE"
and col=0
if anchor
is "SW" or "SE" (thus
like a tooltip near the buffer text).
go on
top on floats with lower indices. Must be larger than
zero. The following screen elements have hard-coded
'colorcolumn' is cleared. 'statuscolumn' is changed to
empty. The end-of-buffer region is hidden by setting
flag of 'fillchars' to a space char, and clearing
the hl-EndOfBuffer region in 'winhighlight'.
[ "╔", "═" ,"╗", "║", "╝", "═", "╚", "║" ].
[ "/", "-", \"\\\\\", "|" ],
[ "x" ].
[ "", "", "", ">", "", "", "", "<" ]
highlight is used, which links
to WinSeparator
when not defined. It could also be
specified by character:[ ["+", "MyCorner"], ["x", "MyBorder"] ].
[text, highlight]
tuples. If
string, or a tuple lacks a highlight, the default
highlight group is FloatTitle
option. Value can be one of "left", "center", or "right".
Default is "left"
[text, highlight]
If string, or a tuple lacks a highlight, the default
highlight group is FloatFooter
option. Value can be one of "left", "center", or "right".
Default is "left"
) nvim_win_get_config()
Gets window configuration.
is empty for normal windows.
Window handle, or 0 for current window
, {config}
) nvim_win_set_config()
Configures window layout. Cannot be used to move the last window in a
tabpage to a different one.
/`col` and relative
must be reconfigured together.
Window handle, or 0 for current window
Map defining the window configuration, see nvim_open_win()
Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
Variable name
) nvim_tabpage_get_number()
Gets the tabpage number
Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
Variable name
) nvim_tabpage_get_win()
Gets the current window in a tabpage
Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
) nvim_tabpage_is_valid()
Checks if a tabpage is valid
Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
) nvim_tabpage_list_wins()
Gets the windows in a tabpage
Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
, {name}
, {value}
Sets a tab-scoped (t:) variable
Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
Variable name
Variable value
Tabpage handle, or 0 for current tabpage
Window handle, must already belong to {tabpage}
) nvim_clear_autocmds()
Clears all autocommands selected by {opts}
. To delete autocmds see
as that pattern for the
autocmd, you must pass *.py
exactly to clear it.
will not match the pattern.
, {opts}
) nvim_create_augroup()
Create or get an autocommand group autocmd-groups.
local id = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("MyGroup", {
clear = false
String: The name of the group
Dictionary Parameters
, {opts}
) nvim_create_autocmd()
Creates an autocommand event handler, defined by callback
function or Vimscript function name string) or command
(Ex command
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({"BufEnter", "BufWinEnter"}, {
pattern = {"*.c", "*.h"},
callback = function(ev)
print(string.format('event fired: %s', vim.inspect(ev)))
vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd({"BufEnter", "BufWinEnter"}, {
pattern = {"*.c", "*.h"},
command = "echo 'Entering a C or C++ file'",
is NOT automatically expanded (unlike with :autocmd),
thus names like "$HOME" and "~" must be expanded explicitly:pattern = vim.fn.expand("~") .. "/some/path/*.py"
(string|array) Event(s) that will trigger the handler
or command
Options dict:
or nil
) to delete the autocommand.
Receives one argument, a table with these keys:
) nvim_del_augroup_by_id()
Delete an autocommand group by id.
Integer The id of the group.
) nvim_del_augroup_by_name()
Delete an autocommand group by name.
String The name of the group.
) nvim_del_autocmd()
Deletes an autocommand by id.
Integer Autocommand id returned by nvim_create_autocmd()
, {opts}
) nvim_exec_autocmds()
Execute all autocommands for {event}
that match the corresponding {opts}
(String|Array) The event or events to execute
Dictionary of autocommand options:
) nvim_get_autocmds()
Get all autocommands that match the corresponding {opts}
-- Matches all criteria
autocommands = vim.api.nvim_get_autocmds({
group = "MyGroup",
event = {"BufEnter", "BufWinEnter"},
pattern = {"*.c", "*.h"}
-- All commands from one group
autocommands = vim.api.nvim_get_autocmds({
group = "MyGroup",
Dictionary with at least one of the following:
Deactivates UI events on the channel.
, {height}
, {row}
, {col}
Tells Nvim the geometry of the popupmenu, to align floating windows with
an external popup menu.
Popupmenu width.
Popupmenu height.
Popupmenu row.
Popupmenu height.
) nvim_ui_pum_set_height()
Tells Nvim the number of elements displaying in the popupmenu, to decide
and <PageDown>
Popupmenu height, must be greater than zero.
) nvim_ui_set_focus()
Tells the nvim server if focus was gained or lost by the GUI
, {value}
) nvim_ui_term_event()
Tells Nvim when a terminal event has occurred
Event name
Event payload
, {width}
, {height}
Tell Nvim to resize a grid. Triggers a grid_resize event with the
requested grid size or the maximum size if it exceeds size limits.
The handle of the grid to be changed.
The new requested width.
The new requested height.