Nvim :help
pages, generated
from source
using the tree-sitter-vimdoc parser.
library for incremental parsing of buffers:
runtime directory.parser/{lang}.*
in any 'runtimepath' directory.
If multiple parsers for the same language are found, the first one is used.
(NOTE: This typically implies the priority "user config > plugins > bundled".)vim.treesitter.language.add('python', { path = "/path/to/python.so" })
treesitter parser for buffers with filetype svg
or xslt
, use:vim.treesitter.language.register('xml', { 'svg', 'xslt' })
, then wasm parsers can also be
loaded:vim.treesitter.language.add('python', { path = "/path/to/python.wasm" })
consists of one or
more patterns. A pattern
is defined over node types in the syntax tree. A
corresponds to specific elements of the syntax tree which match a
pattern. Patterns may optionally define captures and predicates. A capture
allows you to associate names with a specific node in a pattern. A predicate
adds arbitrary metadata and conditional data to a match.*.scm
files in a queries
directory under
, where each file contains queries for a specific language and
purpose, e.g., queries/lua/highlights.scm
for highlighting Lua files.
By default, the first query on runtimepath
is used (which usually implies
that user config takes precedence over plugins, which take precedence over
queries bundled with Nvim). If a query should extend other queries instead
of replacing them, use treesitter-query-modeline-extends.eq?
predicate can be used as follows:((identifier) @variable.builtin
(#eq? @variable.builtin "self"))
text. Such queries can
be used to highlight built-in functions or variables differently, for instance.eq?
treesitter-predicate-eq?((identifier) @variable.builtin (#eq? @variable.builtin "self"))
((node1) @left (node2) @right (#eq? @left @right))
, but for quantified patterns only one captured node must
treesitter-predicate-vim-match?((identifier) @constant (#match? @constant "^[A-Z_]+$"))
and $
anchors will match the start and end of the
node's text.any-match?
, but for quantified patterns only one captured node must
, but for quantified patterns only one captured node
must match.contains?
treesitter-predicate-contains?((identifier) @foo (#contains? @foo "foo"))
((identifier) @foo-bar (#contains? @foo-bar "foo" "bar"))
, but for quantified patterns only one captured node
must match.any-of?
treesitter-predicate-any-of?((identifier) @foo (#any-of? @foo "foo" "bar"))
treesitter-predicate-has-ancestor?((identifier) @variable.builtin
(#any-of? @variable.builtin "begin" "end")
(#has-ancestor? @variable.builtin range_expression))
(field_identifier) @method)) @_parent
(#has-parent? @_parent template_method function_declarator))
prefixed predicate that is just the negation of
the predicate.eq?
, match?
, lua-match?
) accept an any-
prefix to instead match if ANY of the nodes
contained by the capture match the predicate.-- TODO: This is a
-- very long
-- comment (just imagine it)
(((comment)+ @comment)
(#match? @comment "TODO"))
(((comment)+ @comment)
(#any-match? @comment "TODO"))
directive sets metadata on the match or node:((identifier) @foo (#set! type "parameter"))
(match specific) or
(capture specific).{capture_id}
((identifier) @foo (#set! @foo kind "parameter"))
((node1) @left (node2) @right (#set! type "pair"))
((codeblock) @markup.raw.block (#set! priority 90))
, {start_col}
, {end_col}
} for the captured node with capture_id
. Useful for treesitter-language-injections.{capture_id}
((identifier) @constant (#offset! @constant 0 1 0 -1))
(#gsub! @_node ".*%.(.*)" "%1")
. Takes a capture ID and, optionally, four
integers to customize trimming behavior (1
meaning trim, 0
don't trim). When only given a capture ID, trims blank lines (lines
that contain only whitespace, or are empty) from the end of the node
(for backwards compatibility). Can trim all whitespace from both sides
of the node if parameters are given.; only trim blank lines from the end of the node
; (equivalent to (#trim! @fold 0 0 1 0))
(#trim! @fold)
; trim blank lines from both sides of the node
(#trim! @fold 1 0 1 0)
; trim all whitespace around the node
(#trim! @fold 1 1 1 1)
(default 1
if only given {capture_id}
. Here are the
currently supported modeline alternatives:inherits: {lang}...
This will recursively descend in the queries of {lang}
unless wrapped
in parentheses: ({lang})
Note: This is meant to be used to include queries from another
language. If you want your query to extend the queries of the same
language, use extends
treesitter-query-modeline-extends;; inherits: typescript,jsx
;; extends
;; extends
;; inherits: css
which match a TSNode in the parsed TSTree to a capture
that can be
assigned a highlight group. For example, the query(parameters (identifier) @variable.parameter)
node inside a function parameters
node to the
capture named @variable.parameter
. For example, for a Lua codefunction f(foo, bar) end
(function_declaration ; [1:1 - 24]
name: (identifier) ; [1:10 - 10]
parameters: (parameters ; [1:11 - 20]
name: (identifier) ; [1:12 - 14]
name: (identifier))) ; [1:17 - 19]
and bar
as @variable.parameter
] @keyword.conditional
query is found in runtimepath,
treesitter highlighting for the current buffer can be enabled simply via
, are directly usable as highlight groups.
For many commonly used captures, the corresponding highlight groups are linked
to Nvim's standard highlight-groups by default (e.g., @comment
links to
) but can be overridden in colorschemes.@comment.documentation
could be used. If this group
is not defined, the highlighting for an ordinary @comment
is used. This way,
existing color schemes already work out of the box, but it is possible to add
more specific variants for queries that make them available.hi @comment.c guifg=Blue
hi @comment.lua guifg=DarkBlue
hi link @comment.documentation.java String
, self
@variable.parameter parameters of a function
@variable.parameter.builtin special parameters (e.g. _
, it
@variable.member object and struct fieldsGOTO
and other labels (e.g. label:
in C), including heredoc labelstypedef <type> <identifier>
in C)@property
in Python)
@property the key in key/value pairs+
, *
in Go, async/await
in Python)
@keyword.function keywords that define a function (e.g. func
in Go, def
in Python)
@keyword.operator operators that are English words (e.g. and
, or
@keyword.import keywords for including or exporting modules (e.g. import
, from
in Python)
@keyword.type keywords describing namespaces and composite types (e.g. struct
, enum
@keyword.modifier keywords modifying other constructs (e.g. const
, static
, public
@keyword.repeat keywords related to loops (e.g. for
, while
@keyword.return keywords like return
and yield
@keyword.debug keywords related to debugging
@keyword.exception keywords related to exceptions (e.g. throw
, catch
, else
@keyword.conditional.ternary ternary operator (e.g. ?
, :
, .
, ,
@punctuation.bracket brackets (e.g. ()
, {}
, []
@punctuation.special special symbols (e.g. {}
in string interpolation)ERROR
@comment.warning warning-type comments (e.g. WARNING
@comment.todo todo-type comments (e.g. TODO
@comment.note note-type comments (e.g. NOTE
)$ ... $
in LaTeX)@spell
capture can be used to indicate that a node should be
spell checked by Nvim's builtin spell checker. For example, the following
capture marks comments as to be checked:(comment) @spell
which disables spellchecking regions with @spell
and conceal_lines
metadata. By convention, nodes to be concealed are captured as @conceal
, but
any capture can be used. For example, the following query can be used to hide
code block delimiters in Markdown:((fenced_code_block_delimiter) @conceal (#set! conceal ""))
operator by a Unicode glyph, which is
still highlighted the same as other operators:"!=" @operator (#set! conceal "≠")
metadata can be used:((comment) @comment @spell
(#set! conceal_lines ""))
, only the first
character will be used:; identifiers will be concealed with 'f'.
((identifier) @conceal (#set! conceal "foo"))
attribute:((super_important_node) @superimportant (#set! priority 105))
metadata property (treesitter-directive-set!), that
property defines the comment delimiter (where "innermost wins"). This is
useful for languages like JSX
that have different comment syntax depending
on the code region, for example:((jsx_element) @_tag (#set! @_tag bo.commentstring "{/* %s */}"))
tags and
CSS inside of <style>
tags, and HTML outside of
those tags
- indicates that the captured node should have its
contents re-parsed using another language.
- indicates that the captured node’s text may
contain the name of a language that should be used to re-parse the
- indicates that the captured node’s text may
contain a filename; the corresponding filetype is then looked-up up via
vim.filetype.match() and treated as the name of a language that should
be used to re-parse the @injection.content
- can be used to hard-code the name of a specific
- indicates that all of the matching nodes in the
tree should have their content parsed as one nested document.
- indicates that the @injection.content
node's entire text should be re-parsed, including the text of its child
nodes. By default, child nodes' text will be excluded from the injected
- indicates that the node's text should be parsed with
the same language as the node's LanguageTree.
- indicates that the captured node’s text should
be parsed with the same language as the node's parent LanguageTree.
, just place an
empty queries/c/injections.scm
file in your 'runtimepath'.vim.treesitter
Lua module, which is the main interface for Nvim's treesitter integration.
Most of the following content is automatically generated from the function
of a treesitter tree supports the following methods.TSTree
of a treesitter node supports the following methods.integer
) TSNode:child(){index}
, where zero represents the first
Get the node's child that contains {descendant}
(includes {descendant}
).a -> b -> c a:child_with_descendant(c) == b a:child_with_descendant(b) == b a:child_with_descendant(a) == nil
, {start_col}
, {end_row}
, {end_col}
Get the smallest node within this node that spans the given range of (row,
column) positions{start_row}
) TSNode:field(){name}
is not guaranteed to be unique for nodes from different
, regardless of whether
they are named or not. Returns the child node plus the eventual field name
corresponding to this child node.fun(): TSNode, string
) TSNode:named_child(){index}
, where zero represents the
first named child.{index}
, {start_col}
, {end_row}
Get the smallest named node within this node that spans the given range of
(row, column) positions{start_row}
is true
is true
) vim.treesitter.foldexpr(){lnum}
in the current buffer. Can be set
directly to 'foldexpr':vim.wo.foldexpr = 'v:lua.vim.treesitter.foldexpr()'
) Line number to calculate fold level for
Returns a list of highlight capture names under the cursorstring[]
) List of capture names{bufnr}
, {row}
, {col}
Returns a list of highlight captures at the given positionpriority
, ...; empty if none are defined), and the id of the capture.{bufnr}
) Buffer number (0 for current buffer)
) Position row
) Position column
{capture: string, lang: string, metadata: vim.treesitter.query.TSMetadata, id: integer}[]
) Optional keyword arguments:
) Buffer number (nil or 0 for current
([integer, integer]?
) 0-indexed (row, col) tuple.
Defaults to cursor position in the current window. Required
if {bufnr}
is not the current buffer
) Parser language. (default: from buffer
) Ignore injected languages
(default true)
) Include anonymous nodes
(default false)
) Node at the given position{node_or_range}
) vim.treesitter.get_node_range(){node_or_range}
) Node or table of positions
) start_row
) start_col
) end_row
) end_col{node}
, {source}
, {opts}
Gets the text corresponding to a given node{node}
) Buffer or string from which the {node}
) Optional parameters.
when using
, {lang}
, {opts}
) vim.treesitter.get_parser()opts.error = false
to suppress this and return nil (and an error message) instead. WARNING:
This behavior will become default in Nvim 0.12 and the option will be
) Buffer the parser should be tied to (default:
current buffer)
) Language of this parser (default: from buffer
) Options to pass to the created language tree
) object to use for parsing
) error message, if applicable{node}
, {source}
, {metadata}
) vim.treesitter.get_range(){source}
and {metadata}
get the range with directives applied.{node}
) Buffer or string from which the {node}
is extracted
) A table with the following fields:
) start row
) start column
) start bytes
) end row
) end column
) end bytes
) Text to parse
) Language of this string
) Options to pass to the created language tree
) object to use for parsing{opts}
) vim.treesitter.inspect_tree()<Enter>
to jump to the node under the cursor
in the source buffer. Folding also works (try zo, zc, etc.).{opts}
) Optional options table with the following possible
, {source}
) vim.treesitter.is_ancestor(){dest}
) Possible ancestor
) Possible descendant
) True if {dest}
is an ancestor of {source}
, {line}
, {col}
Determines whether (line, col) position is in node range{node}
) defining the range
) Line (0-based)
) Column (0-based)
) True if the position is in node range{node}
) True if the {node}
contains the {range}
vim.bo.syntax = 'on'
the call to start
.vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd( 'FileType', { pattern = 'tex',
callback = function(args)
vim.treesitter.start(args.buf, 'latex')
vim.bo[args.buf].syntax = 'on' -- only if additional legacy syntax is needed
) Buffer to be highlighted (default: current
) Language of the parser (default: from buffer
) Buffer to stop highlighting (default: current
runtime directory, or the provided
. Can be used to check for available parsers before enabling
treesitter features, e.g.,if vim.treesitter.language.add('markdown') then
vim.treesitter.start(bufnr, 'markdown')
) Name of the parser (alphanumerical and _
) Options:
) Optional path the parser is located at
) Internal symbol name for the
language to load
) True if parser is loaded
) Error if parser cannot be loaded{lang}
) vim.treesitter.language.get_filetypes(){lang}
is used.{lang}
itself plus all filetypes registered via
) Name of parser
) filetypes{filetype}
) vim.treesitter.language.get_lang(){filetype}
. For composite
filetypes like html.glimmer
, only the main filetype is returned.{filetype}
indicating whether or not the node is named (i.e., not anonymous).
Anonymous nodes are surrounded with double quotes ("
) Language
, {filetype}
) vim.treesitter.language.register(){lang}
to be used for {filetype}
, any existing
mappings from other filetypes to {lang}
will be preserved.{lang}
) Name of parser
) Filetype(s) to associate with lang
) parser language name
) list of (unique) capture names
defined in query
) query context
(e.g. captures, predicates, directives)
) whether the query sets
conceal_lines metadata
) whether the query contains
combined injections
) userdata query object
(fun(self: vim.treesitter.Query, node: TSNode, source: integer|string, start: integer?, stop: integer?, opts: table?): fun(end_line: integer?): integer, TSNode, vim.treesitter.query.TSMetadata, TSQueryMatch, TSTree
See Query:iter_captures().
(fun(self: vim.treesitter.Query, node: TSNode, source: integer|string, start: integer?, stop: integer?, opts: table?): fun(): integer, table<integer, TSNode[]>, vim.treesitter.query.TSMetadata, TSTree
See Query:iter_matches().
, {handler}
, {opts}
Adds a new directive to be used in queriesmetadata.key = value
. Additionally, handlers can set node level
data by using the capture id on the metadata table
metadata[capture_id].key = value
) Name of the directive, without leading #
(fun(match: table<integer,TSNode[]>, pattern: integer, source: integer|string, predicate: any[], metadata: vim.treesitter.query.TSMetadata)
(node (#set! conceal "-"))
would get
the predicate { "#set!", "conceal", "-" }
) A table with the following fields:
) Override an existing predicate of
the same name
) Use the correct implementation of the
match table where capture IDs map to a list of nodes
instead of a single node. Defaults to true. This option
will be removed in a future release.
, {handler}
, {opts}
Adds a new predicate to be used in queries{name}
) Name of the predicate, without leading #
(fun(match: table<integer,TSNode[]>, pattern: integer, source: integer|string, predicate: any[], metadata: vim.treesitter.query.TSMetadata): boolean?
) A table with the following fields:
) Override an existing predicate of
the same name
) Use the correct implementation of the
match table where capture IDs map to a list of nodes
instead of a single node. Defaults to true. This option
will be removed in a future release.
to save it. You can find example queries at
) language to open the query editor for. If omitted,
inferred from the current buffer's filetype.
, {query_name}
) vim.treesitter.query.get(){query_name}
for {lang}
) Language to use for the query
) Name of the query (e.g. "highlights")
) Parsed query. nil
if no query files are
found. See vim.treesitter.Query.{lang}
, {query_name}
, {is_included}
Gets the list of files used to make up a query{lang}
) Language to get query for
) Name of the query to load (e.g.,
) Internal parameter, most of the time left
as nil
) query_files List of files to load for given query and
, {opts}
) vim.treesitter.query.lint(){buf}
for errors:
, the parser
for the lua
language will be used.{buf}
) Buffer handle
) Optional keyword arguments:
) Language(s) to use for checking
the query. If multiple languages are specified, queries are
validated for all of them
) Just clear current lint errors
) Supported directives.string[]
) Supported predicates.{findstart}
, {base}
) vim.treesitter.query.omnifunc()vim.bo.omnifunc = 'v:lua.vim.treesitter.query.omnifunc'
, {query}
) vim.treesitter.query.parse(){query}
string and returns a Query
(lua-treesitter-query), which can be used to search the tree for the
query patterns (via Query:iter_captures(), Query:iter_matches()), or
inspect/modify the query via these fields:
: a list of unique capture names defined in the query (alias:
: information about predicates.
: the underlying TSQuery which can be used to disable patterns
or captures.
local query = vim.treesitter.query.parse('vimdoc', [[
; query
((h1) @str
(#trim! @str 1 1 1 1))
local tree = vim.treesitter.get_parser():parse()[1]
for id, node, metadata in query:iter_captures(tree:root(), 0) do
-- Print the node name and source text.
vim.print({node:type(), vim.treesitter.get_node_text(node, vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf())})
) Language to use for the query
) Query text, in s-expr syntax
, {source}
, {start}
, {stop}
, {opts}
Iterates over all captures from all matches in {node}
is required if the query contains predicates; then the caller
must ensure to use a freshly parsed tree consistent with the current text
of the buffer (if relevant). {start}
and {stop}
can be used to limit
matches inside a row range (this is typically used with root node as the
, i.e., to get syntax highlight matches in the current viewport).
When omitted, the {start}
and {stop}
row values are used from the given
node.for id, node, metadata, match in query:iter_captures(tree:root(), bufnr, first, last) do
local name = query.captures[id] -- name of the capture in the query
-- typically useful info about the node:
local type = node:type() -- type of the captured node
local row1, col1, row2, col2 = node:range() -- range of the capture
-- ... use the info here ...
) under which the search will occur
) Source buffer or string to extract text
) Starting line for the search. Defaults to
) Stopping line for the search (end-exclusive).
Defaults to node:end_()
) Optional keyword arguments:
fun(end_line: integer?): integer, TSNode, vim.treesitter.query.TSMetadata, TSQueryMatch, TSTree
capture id, capture node, metadata, match, tree{node}
, {source}
, {start}
, {stop}
, {opts}
Iterates the matches of self on a given range.{node}
. The arguments are the same as
for Query:iter_captures() but the iterated values are different: an
(1-based) index of the pattern in the query, a table mapping capture
indices to a list of nodes, and metadata from any directives processing
the match.for pattern, match, metadata in cquery:iter_matches(tree:root(), bufnr, 0, -1) do
for id, nodes in pairs(match) do
local name = query.captures[id]
for _, node in ipairs(nodes) do
-- `node` was captured by the `name` capture in the match
local node_data = metadata[id] -- Node level metadata
-- ... use the info here ...
) under which the search will occur
) Source buffer or string to search
) Starting line for the search. Defaults to
) Stopping line for the search (end-exclusive).
Defaults to node:end_()
) Optional keyword arguments:
(default true
), the returned table maps capture
IDs to a single (last) node instead of the full list of
matching nodes. This option is only for backward
compatibility and will be removed in a future release.
fun(): integer, table<integer, TSNode[]>, vim.treesitter.query.TSMetadata, TSTree
pattern id, match, metadata, tree{lang}
, {query_name}
, {text}
) vim.treesitter.query.set(){query_name}
for {lang}
identifiers with the
following code:vim.treesitter.query.set(
[[;inherits c
(identifier) @spell]])
) Language to use for the query
) Name of the query (e.g., "highlights")
) Query text (unparsed).
) TSQuery:disable_capture(){capture_name}
should not include a leading "@".@variable.parameter
capture from the vimdoc
highlights query:local query = vim.treesitter.query.get('vimdoc', 'highlights')
) TSQuery:disable_pattern(){pattern_index}
for a particular match can be obtained
with :Inspect!, or by reading the source of the query (i.e. from
links in vimdoc but keep other @markup.link
highlighted:local link_pattern = 9 -- from :Inspect!
local query = vim.treesitter.query.get('vimdoc', 'highlights')
local tree = vim.treesitter.get_parser():parse()[1]
and any "injected" language parsers, which themselves may inject other
languages, recursively. For example a Lua buffer containing some Vimscript
commands needs multiple parsers to fully understand its contents.local parser = vim.treesitter.get_parser(bufnr, lang)
means current buffer). lang
defaults to 'filetype'. Note:
currently the parser is retained for the lifetime of a buffer but this may
change; a plugin should keep a reference to the parser object if it wants
incremental updates.local tree = parser:parse({ start_row, end_row })
again. If the buffer wasn't edited, the
same tree will be returned again without extra work. If the buffer was parsed
before, incremental parsing will be done of the changed parts.table<string,vim.treesitter.LanguageTree>
) LanguageTree:contains(){range}
is contained in the LanguageTree.{range}
) A table with the following fields:
) start row
) start column
) end row
) end column
must be called on the parent to remove it.{fn}
) LanguageTree:for_each_tree(){fn}
(fun(tree: TSTree, ltree: vim.treesitter.LanguageTree)
, {start_col}
, {end_row}
, {end_col}
, {end_bytes}
}.table<integer, Range6[]>
) LanguageTree:invalidate(){reload}
, {range}
Returns whether this LanguageTree is valid, i.e., LanguageTree:trees()
reflects the latest state of the source. If invalid, user should call
) whether to ignore the validity of
children (default false
) range to check for validity
Gets the appropriate language that contains {range}
) A table with the following fields:
) start row
) start column
) end row
) end column
) tree Managing {range}
, {opts}
Gets the smallest named node that contains {range}
) A table with the following fields:
) start row
) start column
) end row
) end column
) A table with the following fields:
, default: true
) Ignore
injected languages
, {opts}
Gets the smallest node that contains {range}
) A table with the following fields:
) start row
) start column
) end row
) end column
) A table with the following fields:
, default: true
) Ignore
injected languages
, {on_parse}
) LanguageTree:parse(){}
, typically only the root tree) is always
parsed; otherwise (typically injections) only if it intersects {range}
if {range}
is true
) Parse this range in the parser's
source. Set to true
to run a complete parse of the
source (Note: Can be slow!) Set to false|nil
to only
parse regions with empty ranges (typically only the root
tree without injections).
(fun(err?: string, trees?: table<integer, TSTree>)?
Function invoked when parsing completes. When provided and
is not set, parsing will
run asynchronously. The first argument to the function is
a string representing the error type, in case of a failure
(currently only possible for timeouts). The second
argument is the list of trees returned by the parse (upon
success), or nil
if the parse timed out (determined by
returns the list of trees. Otherwise, it
returns nil
.table<integer, TSTree>?
, {recursive}
Registers callbacks for the LanguageTree.{cbs}
) An
nvim_buf_attach()-like table argument with the
following handlers:
: see nvim_buf_attach().
: a callback that will be called every
time the tree has syntactical changes. It will be
passed two arguments: a table of the ranges (as node
ranges) that changed and the changed tree.
: emitted when a child is added to the
: emitted when a child is removed
from the tree.
: emitted when the buffer is detached, see
nvim_buf_detach_event. Takes one argument, the number
of the buffer.
) Apply callbacks recursively for all
children. Any new children will also inherit the
, {opts}
Gets the tree that contains {range}
) A table with the following fields:
) start row
) start column
) end row
) end column
) A table with the following fields:
, default: true
) Ignore
injected languages
)table<integer, TSTree>